So, my hygrophila in the back left has really taken to the tank. It's doing really well.
The Cabomba is doing really well too.
The Wisteria is on-and-off, the emersed stuff seems to be doing better than the other stuff. I'm hoping it'll take. From what I can se though, I think I'm going to have to toss it all and get something else.
The Frill has taken off (it'll grow anywhere!) and it's spread out right now to encourage as much growth as possible as most of it will be moving yo my betta tank very soon.
I went to the pet store and fell in love with this piece of driftwood. It's on the right side of the tank for now. I'm thinking it's going to be my centerpiece for a 15 gallon long, but I'm not certain. It only weighed 3 lbs, so I got it at a steal of a price.
Here's an updated pic of the tank:
The green is the ick medication.
You might also notice new fish additions, A friend of mine called me, and told me she was closing down a tank and had 7 serpae tetras. Either I took them or she flushed them. I hate adding new fish when I'm treating for Ick, but I had no where else to put them, I wasn't going to let her flush them.
I'm debating between a blue and black background right now, and have got a guy in a fish store an hour away looking for some juvenille "koi" angelfish for me (the white, orange and black ones). I'm still waiting on my Java Fern, Crypts and Anubias. Hopefully they're in decent condition, because the store I got the driftwood from today wanted THREE TIMES what I paid online for the same plant.
Sorry for the crummy pix... my camera is MIA so these are cell pix.