So; we had an ick breakout.
The loaches contracted it. I expect it was from their slime coats being damaged in the bags on the way home, and then residual Ick from my last breakout.
I treated the tank, and now we're all clear of disease.
The tank stocking is now:
12 serpae tetras. I had 13, but I lost one the day after adding the new ones. These guys are a fair size and eat a ton. It's nice to see some true schooling behaviour in the tank, and the frenzy of feeding time. The serpaes have finally worked out their pecking order, the alpha male taking on the most striking and gorgeous colouring, with all other fish deferring to him. An few nipped fins can be seen throughout the school, but I'm expecting that this was just their squabbling over who would be alpha and the nips are starting to heal.
1 neon tetra. This lone little fella is left over from my 15 gallon stocking that originally stocked this tank. He's going to be moving to my 10 gallon tank this afternoon. I will not be adding any more neons in with him as he's much too large to accept the tiny little things the pet stores are selling as family. He's quite content on his own, even if it's not idea. I've named him Survivor Sid.
6 juvenille angel fish. These guys have bodies the size of quarters, a toonie max. They're tiny. All 6 are white, and gorgeous. Pictures to come. Bought them about 15 minutes ago, so they're floating in the tank in the bag at the moment. Once they pair off, I plan to sell the angels back to my LFS for store credit (and obviously they'll be larger then, and worth more than I paid for them!).
4 yoyo loaches. I'd like to add another two, but I can't find them at a decent price. I'm hitting another pet store on Monday a couple hours from home, hoping they'll have some more so I can grab another pair to complete my school. The ones I have are fattening up nicely.
As for feeding; we're getting:
-flake food
-algae tabs (Wardley)
-shrimp pellets (Aquarian)
-occasional blanched zuchinni/cucumber slices
I think I've destroyed my snail population. I haven't seen another shell or snail in about a week, and I've been looking. Unless the loaches are stockpiling them in the hollow driftwood that I can't get into, I think they're gone.
I finally invested in a Python. Best money I've ever spent. Box arrived this morning; less than 1 day shipping from Great company to deal with!. Cracked it out this afternoon to test it out. Worked great, though the 50' was a little too long, and the 25' a little too short. I plan to cut the hose a little shorter if possible.
On monday I'm going to be looking for:
-the pleco (no idea on this... I'll see what they have in stock and take my laptop to research)
-the top dweller: 2 african butterflyfish. Going to attempt to get a male and female. Been reading on how to sex them. I think I can do it.
-loaches: 2 more yoyos of about the same size as the ones I have to complete my group
-plants: anubias nana, amazon sword to cover the background... i'm fine with having to chop it down to size, contortion or corckscrew vals, anything else that looks pretty.
------->Once i get the top dweller, the pleco, and the last couple loaches, the tank is done for fish stocking.<-----
The hygrophila polysperma is starting to irritate me in the tank. As is the Wisteria. Both are slowly being relocated to a second tank I've started planting (my 5 gallon). I'll find something I like in the tank eventually.
I'm thinking I'm going to place another order with Aquatic Magic for some more crypts and stuff if Monday proves to be too expensive for plants at the pet store. I know the stuff from Aquatic Magic was good, and it was really cheap too... it just takes a while to grow out.
I'll post some pictures of the new additions later tonight. The tank physically hasn't changed since the last update though as I haven't been able to get my hands on new plants.