Sad to say, I purchased the Turbo's at Petco and they were just called Turbo's. They have a cone shaped shell and could really be Astreas as far as I know. I learned to be more specific when I bought a conch that was a horse conch and not a queen conch. Was surprised when the first thing it ate was a Nassarius snail purchased the same day (instead of algae)
The lfs person just called them conch's and suggested it would be a nice addition to the cleanup crew. Needless to say, I was returning the well fed beast the next day.
As far as corals are concerned, I'm still researching and have no clue yet. I have a 150W SunPod HQI, so I should (I think) be able to put most corals in there, but there enough kinds and compatability issues to consider, I'm totally lost. I'm reading Aquarium Corals, Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History by Eric Borneman and J. Veron and so far it's managed to make my head hurt. The Amazon reviews were good on this book, but it's way more technical than I expected.
My understanding is that the tank should be pretty mature prior to adding corals. Some say up to 6 months, but the LFS owner said I should be ok in another month. I'd ultimately like a small colorful clam if there is one suitable for a 24g Nano and was going to make my last fish a 6 line wrasse as I've read that they are good at eating things that tend to bother clams. It was going to be my last fish as it is the most aggressive on my list. The clam does sound a little risky though as a death can potentially nuke a tank. Not good for a newbie.
If there is a hardy safe coral to start with like a leather or mushroom, I'd consider it as a way to get started while waiting for the dust to settle on whatever caused the fish to die. The one thing I'm sure of is I'm not interested in a coral that needs special feeding at this time. I assume those would fall into the difficult category anyway.