Fish Fanatic
After 4 weeks of cycling a 24g Nano with 26 lb. live rock, I added 1 Banggai and 1 Tank Raised Clown to my tank last Friday night. I purchased these guys from Petco along with a small cleaner shrimp as Petco was selling cleaners for half the price of the LFS. I chose Petco as it was half the distance to my reliable LFS and thought clowns and cardinals were pretty much commoditys in the salt water fish trade.
After a one hour drip acclimation. I added the fish to my tank. The clown never seemed to adjust and died around Sunday noon. The Banggai did look fine and ate well on Saturday, but also died Sunday afternoon.
I've tested the water and all the parameters look good. My RedSea ammonia kit always shows trace amounts, but it matches the ammonia reading for freshly made seawater from RO, so I figured it is not a problem.
I went back to Petco and had them test my water and they said it was fine. I checked the tank these fish came from and it was empty except for a yellow watchman goby and some hermits. There were at least 2 clown carcasses being dragged around by large hermit crabs. I took a sample of the Petco water and SG was 1.018-1.019 (mine is 1.024-1.025) and Nitrates were present at about 40 PPM (possibly higher). All other parameters seemed to match mine.
My cleaner crew consists of 2 Turbo's, 6 Nerites, 6 Nassarius, 6 scarlet hermits, 1 blue legged hermit, 1 emerald crab, 1 Peppermint shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp, and assorted hitchhikers. The cleaners have been in the tank anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks (except the cleaner shrimp) and all seem to be healthy and happy.
My general parameters are:
Ammonia ~0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Temp 75-78
SG 1.024
PH 8.3
The tank is a CurrentUSA AquaPod 24 with a 150W HQI Sunpod fixture. I run the MH light 7.5 hours a day and LED's on either end of the cycle for several hours. For filtration, I replaced the sponge and bioballs with fiberfloss (replaced weekly) and a mixture of SeaChem SeaGel and Boyd ChemiPure in a filter media bag. I have a Maxi-Jet 1200 running the filter and a separate MJ-600 and Hydor-Flo director to create as much reef quality water flow as possible.
While I've decided that Petco is not the place to buy fish, my question is whether I should be checking for other toxic chemicals/inhabitants in my tank or is it reasonable to have my LFS test my water and start again with one fish (clown or Banggai) from the LFS next week???
After a one hour drip acclimation. I added the fish to my tank. The clown never seemed to adjust and died around Sunday noon. The Banggai did look fine and ate well on Saturday, but also died Sunday afternoon.
I've tested the water and all the parameters look good. My RedSea ammonia kit always shows trace amounts, but it matches the ammonia reading for freshly made seawater from RO, so I figured it is not a problem.
I went back to Petco and had them test my water and they said it was fine. I checked the tank these fish came from and it was empty except for a yellow watchman goby and some hermits. There were at least 2 clown carcasses being dragged around by large hermit crabs. I took a sample of the Petco water and SG was 1.018-1.019 (mine is 1.024-1.025) and Nitrates were present at about 40 PPM (possibly higher). All other parameters seemed to match mine.
My cleaner crew consists of 2 Turbo's, 6 Nerites, 6 Nassarius, 6 scarlet hermits, 1 blue legged hermit, 1 emerald crab, 1 Peppermint shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp, and assorted hitchhikers. The cleaners have been in the tank anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks (except the cleaner shrimp) and all seem to be healthy and happy.
My general parameters are:
Ammonia ~0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Temp 75-78
SG 1.024
PH 8.3
The tank is a CurrentUSA AquaPod 24 with a 150W HQI Sunpod fixture. I run the MH light 7.5 hours a day and LED's on either end of the cycle for several hours. For filtration, I replaced the sponge and bioballs with fiberfloss (replaced weekly) and a mixture of SeaChem SeaGel and Boyd ChemiPure in a filter media bag. I have a Maxi-Jet 1200 running the filter and a separate MJ-600 and Hydor-Flo director to create as much reef quality water flow as possible.
While I've decided that Petco is not the place to buy fish, my question is whether I should be checking for other toxic chemicals/inhabitants in my tank or is it reasonable to have my LFS test my water and start again with one fish (clown or Banggai) from the LFS next week???