First Ever Sw 55 Us Gallon Tank

Have you got it now?

I do indeed have it. They didn't have a 46 gal bowfront but they did have a fancy stand and a matching 55 gallon tank. Pics will be up when I get home. Unfortunately the stand wouldn't fit in the car so going to have to get that tomorrow. Again pics will be provided. So give me 20 minutes and pics will be up :)

Regards, Kerber
Yes I think I will. More stable water conditions haha. Anyway pics to come. My parents decided to just go back and get the stand.

Regards, Kerber
As promised tank and stand:


Regards, Kerber
Very nice mate!

Regarding the dottyback/false gramma, they are aggressive but royal gramma,s aren't. In fact they're soft!

Royal grammas are yellow and purple like the dottyback but on the royal the two colours fade into each other and they have a black spot on their dorsal.

Beautiful fish. Very colourful.

There's one in my sig pic below
Looking very nice :good:

Yep next up is 2 power heads and the refractometer and the rest of the test kits. Then comes salt mix. Live rock. Sand. HOB skimmer. Lights. Cycle. CUC (please help :(). Fish and corals. Very excited :)

Regards, Kerber

P.S. How's this stocking sound:
2x Oscellaris Clowns
1x bicolor dottyback
1x carpenter's flasher wrasse
1x diamond watchman goby
1x firefish
1x Kaudern's cardinal
1x zebra barred dartfish
1x royal gramma
1x flame angel

Plz. Say yes :)
Tank looks good :good:
My thoughts on CUC...

Gonna be picking up the tank at around 3:30 today. Pics to follow.


8 Blue/Red/Halloween Legged Hermit Crabs
3 Nassarius Snails
good, might want a few more of these guys i love them.
5 Cerith Snails
4 turbo snails
1 Red banded shrimp
These guys are generally OK but definitely no good with any other shrimp and them bothering small fish wouldn't be unheard of.
1 Tuxedo urchin
1 serpent star
Would probably avoid. They get pretty large and are notorious for eating things they shouldn't. If you really want a starfish, maybe look at some brittle stars which tend to be better behaved but still have that risk. I find that hand or target feeding them generally keeps them out of trouble.
1 conch
fighting conch = good

Regards, Kerber

EDIT: you put fish after i posted :p
Did you mean to put both the bicolor pseudo and royal gramma? They look nearly identical and the pseudo is very aggressive. If you drop him from your list, that would put you dead full IMO.
Tank looks good :good:
My thoughts on CUC...

Gonna be picking up the tank at around 3:30 today. Pics to follow.


8 Blue/Red/Halloween Legged Hermit Crabs
6 Nassarius Snails
good, might want a few more of these guys i love them.
5 Cerith Snails
4 turbo snails
1 Red banded shrimp
These guys are generally OK but definitely no good with any other shrimp and them bothering small fish wouldn't be unheard of.
1 Tuxedo urchin
no starfish as I see them being a potential problem
Would probably avoid. They get pretty large and are notorious for eating things they shouldn't. If you really want a starfish, maybe look at some brittle stars which tend to be better behaved but still have that risk. I find that hand or target feeding them generally keeps them out of trouble.
1 Fightingconch
fighting conch = good

Regards, Kerber

EDIT: you put fish after i posted :p
Did you mean to put both the bicolor pseudo and royal gramma? They look nearly identical and the pseudo is very aggressive. If you drop him from your list, that would put you dead full IMO.

No I missed that just copy and pasted from first or second post. I meant just royal gramma.

2x Oscellaris Clowns
1x royal gramma
1x carpenter's flasher wrasse
1x diamond watchman goby
1x firefish
1x Kaudern's cardinal
1x zebra barred dartfish
1x flame angel (really love these guys but ik some can be pests to corals so I will be ready to eradicate if I must)

Thanks Steph!

Regards, Kerber
I have known many more flame angels to NOT be nippers than to be, the odds are good with them.
Lists look good :good:
My lfs has said the flames are generally ok, they put them in their frag tank before selling to see what they are like!! Flames are lovely, they are on my list :D

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