First Attempt

Well is columbo florabase so is very soft. Its not actually something I had considered there is sand but maybe I should rethink the Cory's :unsure:
Quick update:

Hair grass just stopped on me :-( slowly turned yellow tried everything ferts more flow (got a powerhead) nothing seemed to work so assuming it was light power was up to to 8hr lights on. Finally ripped it out and had a move about :)

The Camboba Carolina went nuts !!!!!! but started to dominate everything

Vallis got loads of runners and started sprouting up all over the place but never really looked that great so have taken out (will put up for sale).

Thought the wood looked a little bare so got some moss and attached but I think I must have damaged as I was not home when it arrived so it went a little brown but seems to be perking up now.

Managed to get hold of some Stargrass (Heteranthera zosterifolia)as I liked to look of it and it looks like it could be a bit more bushy, so moved things about a bit. Ill give it a couple of weeks and trim the height a little, I dont want it quite so tall.

I like it but am really looking for a short foreground plant I think, Any Ideas ? Am getting another 5 Rummynose tomorrow :good:

Any opinions advice etc. welcome


Happened to be passing Pets at Home :sick: earlier in the week and they were having a delivery of plants :look: Usually their plants are rubbish but the selection was brilliant. Picked up a couple of really good sized pots of Lilaeopsis brasiliensis. I assume you can trim it ? I was looking for a slightly shorter effect but will let it bed in for a bit first :good: Have decided to only have south american stuff in tank. Am on lookout for some apistogramma.

Also started dosing Excel this weekend. So will see how things progress

Think I will trim the star-grass and replant some




I am going to trim it but am not sure how short I don't want it to go all leggy :-( Am doing it all tonight so will do some post trim pics.
Funny you should say that I was thinking of adding some red plants instead of the Camboba :rolleyes: But am struggling to find any with the sort of leaf structure I am after (long & thin) that are from S.America

Any ideas anyone ???
Post trim !!!

Bit dissapointed :/ Not quite what I expected it to look like !!!!!

Note to self never trim when 1/2 full !!!! But it will grow again.

Moved some stargrass into base of wood and trimmed the camboba.

Also changed the direction of the power head.



Also this appeared !!! Guess some sort of nymph cannot catch it :no:


and the background came off !!!!!!!! Have got some vinyl to try next week white and also blue
I just thought it looked rubbish :crazy:

Am wanting to change the Camboba so removed some and replaced with a single pot of Alternanthera Reineckii as an experiment am keeping my eye out for an alternative as the leaves are a little to big in my opinion but it does look nice with the contrasting red.





Lilaeopsis needs a trim but is spreading :good:

My resisting the urge to go pressurized CO2 :rolleyes: But did grab a bargain Arc 35 on the bay over weekend :)

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