Finding Nemo fishtank

plecoguy said:
We get people in often that want to buy a "nemo" or a "dori".

Oh ya, ive renamed all clown fish, they are now called "George" so sick of hearing and adults like come in to our place almost chanting that name...::shudder::
I know what you mean. I'll go into lfs all the time and see kids running up and down isle screaming," Nemo, Dori." The little kids will be smacking the tanks and there will be a little old owner screaming," No no tapping on glass." I just wanna run up to the parents and smack them upside the head screaming,"Don't leave your kids unsupervised."
me to. My LFS even has the Ocilarus labeled as "Nemo Fish". I hate it. Its horrible hey are selling them in a bundle with an Eclipse mini system to people who know nothing about fish and when they do (if they do) waterchanges they will probobly use freshwater and kill the poor thing.
I'm happy for Finding Nemo because my kids loved the movie and now my three year old is much more interested in fish. He loves to watch our tanks, help me with water changes and feeding (I measure out the food and he puts it in). I don't know if he would have gotten this involved if he hadn't seen this movie. I say blame the fish stores, not the movie, parents, or children if they sell fish without educating their consumers.
Sorrell said:
I'm happy for Finding Nemo because my kids loved the movie and now my three year old is much more interested in fish. He loves to watch our tanks, help me with water changes and feeding (I measure out the food and he puts it in). I don't know if he would have gotten this involved if he hadn't seen this movie. I say blame the fish stores, not the movie, parents, or children if they sell fish without educating their consumers.
That statement is right on the mark. Its not the movies fault!
I have a 4 year old. HE loved fish before NEmo, he loves them more afterwards.

BUT he made no confusion between the movie and real life at all. It was really very easy to explain to him that clowns are salt water, and that fish are very delicate, etc. It hasn't been an issue at all.

I think the problem is not with kids, it's with lazy parents and unscrupulous LFS's. The Petco near me is selling a 10 gallon kit and giving a "free Nemo fish with this kit".

If you want aa good trick to use on kids that are pushing too hard for anything at all that is unrealistic, try telling them, "that is for kids 12 and up". It works like a charm with my boy. Almost a magical phrase.
I hate fish that are not cared about to me mine are just like a dog i all ways see them i alls talk to them i allways feed them i dont forget about them and leave them in a corner of a room.
I have spent £80 of my christmas and my birthday money im 14 now i change the setting for them ever once a year i clean them i watch too.
So my fish are a big part of my life.

I hate people that knock on the glass and get up close to the tank. it annoys me and proberly soem of you to.
Stan the Betta...

lol I figured most people could figure out that clown fish were saltwater only fish seeing as how nemo (and other clown fish) live in the ocean....
I know NOTHING about fish, I asked to make sure, so at least I dont make an idiot of myself in the store, or the store dont just sell me one for the hell of it because they're expensive. I've really just started out, I might not know if fish could live in either.... you know what I mean? I can see now it might be funny that i asked, but this is the beginners forum, so please dont figure that people can work it out :sly: :)

There's no such thing as a stupid question. Seriously. Thank you for asking. It's so much better that you can learn about the needs of the clownfish here/now than after you've scooped it out of a tank.

Let us know what you're thinking of putting into your 13g now that little Nemo is out of the picture. ;)

We're happy to help!

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