Finding Nemo fishtank

one thing to say

(over an over again)

just keep swiming :fish: just keep swiming :fish: just keep swiming :fish: just keep swiming :fish: just keep swiming :fish: just keep swiming :fish: just keep swiming :fish: just keep swiming :fish:

i loved the film, an i too hate it when kids scream nemo as they go through the lfs *shudders* :X
I hate the bl**dy name aswell. And what was with that tank.. It was an FW set up full Of SW fish??? Eh Whats going on aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh
Thanks guys for the advice on Guppies and bettas

I think we'll have tetras, and a betta then, but only after time i might add. I dont wanna put myself as a fishkeeper whos doing it just because of N*mo. :lol:

We really do have an interest in fish, and want to learn and become experienced keepers.

P.S according to the script, the seagulls say 'MINE MINE MINE' not MATE. Although I was very confused as well, but thats what they told us a Disney :p

Thanks again, and any more advice on what fish to start with, and what not to keep together would be greatly appreciated

Mark :)

My new tank :(


Maybe a bit too cynical....
petitericeball said:
my teacher said they did a study and after seeing finding nemo over 500 kids flished their fish down the toilet trying to set em free
If this is true...once again where were the parents while these kids were catching their fish (which takes time) and flushing them down the toilet?! No offense, but I don't know if I buy that 500 kids are that unsupervised in a home that has an aquarium. I love that movie and I think the positives outweigh the negatives.

edit: If you're talking about "Gil" in the dentist's tank he was a moorish idol.
petitericeball said:
lil late again... but wasnt fin or watever a freshwater angelfish?? and my teacher said they did a study and after seeing finding nemo over 500 kids flished their fish down the toilet trying to set em free
Yes, I saw once on TV this program where some kids were getting ready to flush their brand new percula clowns down the toilet to "set them free". I just had to turn it off. :grr:
Fin (if thats what he's called) is a Moorish Idol, they need several Hundred gallon tanks and prefer to be kept alone, these fish are best left for public aquariums, who have the resources to feed and house such a thing. but for people who want a Moorish Idol, there is an alternative "poor mans Moorish idol" also known as the Bannerfish, which is nearly identical. :) Unfortunately, many Moorish Idol's die each year because of incapable hands trying to keep a "pretty fish".
It's obvious themakers didn't research the fish to the movie anyways, in nature or in tanks, because otherwise they would have known that every time a puffer expands they release Toxins into the water to kill nearby fish. :rolleyes:

but I would have to admit at the time I saw the movie, I knew nothing about fish but I still didn't enjoy it. It had such a Disney ending, all of the characters died three times and then came back to life each time :rolleyes:. Other than that it was ok.
Wow i never knew that harsh on the fish.
But at least the little kids thought they where doing the right thing.

Like free willy. :D
I personally thought the film was great! I think its sad to pick on the producer's of the film because they never researched the compatibility of the fish in the tank, After all it was just a Cartoon, meant for kids!

If the kids decide, they wan't a Nemo tank then thats up to the parents to decide if they get one. They would then take the responsibility of researching what is needed. If there are really people so stupid to take there research of marine fish from a cartoon, then that is scary! :crazy: But at the same time not the problem of the nemo Producers.

One question about the film though- I wander what happened to Gill and co while they were floating in there bags?

Unfortunatly I think I know :-(

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