Finding Nemo fishtank


Fish Crazy
Mar 10, 2004
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I think the fishtank out of finding Nemo looks cool. :cool:

do you like it?
I think that tank is very dangerous as access to the inner filter mechanisms is far too easy for a little one finned fish :lol:
i think it gives children and non fishkeeping parents the wrong idea.

I heard of a shop selling clowns as nemos :angry:
I have even heard of clowns being bought and put in fresh water tanks. LFS's should check these things, especially since the film.
i agree totally. Though i loved the film, its had its repercussions.
well.....i work in a private fish specialty shop, not a chain store or anything, this is a nice place. Well sell fresh and salt water fish. We get people in often that want to buy a "nemo" or a "dori". We always ask what size tank, what fish, filters, etc. some people actually want to put clown fish in a small goldfish bowl. Its sad, cause there is another place in town that sells saltwater fish that doesnt normally ask any makes me wonder. Poor fish.

Oh ya, ive renamed all clown fish, they are now called "George" so sick of hearing and adults like come in to our place almost chanting that name...::shudder::
  We always ask what size tank, what fish, filters, etc.  some people actually want to put clown fish in a small goldfish bowl.   

Glad to hear it Plecoguy. Its a shame that a few shops regard profit as the most important thing and not the fish.
On the film the laser filter looks cool

But the girl is stupid she shakes the bag telling the fish to wake up.
(I was shocked when i saw this part of the film) :blink:

Because in real life if the parent gets a 5 year old a fish and it's not swimming cuz its tiered the littel boy/girl may do the same as on the film shake it to its death. :unsure:

Best bit of the film

I like the pink star fish on the glass and the yellow fish that loves the
Yeah it's a cool tank but in real life the fish would all kill each other. Plus the tank is way to small for all of the fish when they are full grown. Plus, you could never keep the whole tank clean with that crusty little power filter. Oh well, it's just a movie. Clownfish can be keeped in small aquariums like 20 gallons but blue/regal tangs (Dori) need at least 100 gallons. Tangs are very active and will die soon in a small tank.
Newbie here

So, clownfish are saltwater fish ONLY?

We just bought a tropical aquarium (no fish yet, starting cycle) We wanted a clownfish, but not so much for the film though, they were cool before we saw it.

I agree with the point about the girl shaking the bag, very scarey!!! But a very cool film and the fishtank was nice, but even knowing NOTHING about fish even I thought it was a bit small. But then again fish dont talk either!!!! LoL

Lemme know about the clownfish if you can


yes marcos, clownfish are absolutely, 100%, completely and utterly saltwater only fish. They will die very quickly if you put them in a freshwater tank.
Thanks for that flyhockey

I didnt know that but i do now. Maybe in the future i'll get a saltwater tank, but for now, I'll try to manage the one i've got :lol:
Can't wait to get mine up and running with lil' fishes. Soo exciting, we were quite dissapointed when we found out we had to wait, but we know it'll be woth it :)

Thanks again
M8 is that your cat with socks on? your signature?
its funny and cute but the cat looks P*ssed off

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