Finally Sterbai Eggs

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I believe I have a few sterbai fry that I hatched in a net in the LF albino pepper tank.

I can't see in the net well in the sterbai, LF bronze, and Brochis tank, so although I see dots dashing about at times, I cannot see what they are.

I collected some eggs that were grouped together and hanging off in a bunch one time. But I doubt they were Melanotaneia eggs. I have not seen them spawning. I do think that the Brochis lady is getting gravid. Most all the eggs in this tank are laid near the top and in the stronger water currents. Some I am collecting now are stickier, which could be the LF bronze.

I have started using a clump of Java moss as a sponge to wipe the eggs off and put it in the net. It works very well. Even the less sticky eggs that I often lose are sticking in the moss clump.

I have a few dozen tiny fry in the albino LF pepper net. They spawn constantly all over the tank. I do not even try to keep up.

It looks like none of the San Juan eggs I collected recently have hatched. Amatuers! I only hatched 3 of them before and now one died when I transfered them to the grow out. So I have two strong San Juans from the first Fat San Juan Lady's spawn.
Sex, sex, sex, sex and sex. :rolleyes: I saw them having again this afternoon. So I collected the eggs again(2nd time in a day). There are 2 on the glass, 2 in the spawning mop and 27 on the leaves of Java Fern. They were stickier than usual so I guess they made them not long time ago.
I know I have 3 females but it is crazy lately, sex crazy that is. I know I change some water every day so I have water to change the fry tank. And I do feed them well because I know I do change some every day.
You don't think that is something to do, do you? :shifty:

Although all the eggs I collect, I don't think even half is hatching unfortunately. It seems some batch of eggs doesn't hatch at all. Maybe they are still young ot one of the 2 males I have is not doing well I don't know. I don't know how many eggs I collected since March but must be 1,000 by now and I don't know I have 100 frys growing. They are still small and too many hiding places in their tank. I have no clue how many are still alive. I think I will set next tank as less decoration as possible and see how many actually make it from wigglers to frys.
I put about 100 frys in each fry tanks and it is almost complete the 3rd tank. Although they are not all Sterbais. Probably 40% Pandas and 1~2% Melanotanias if that since I have been having trouble with them.

So it is a good thing they keep making eggs.
exactly! haha Hunting eggs and growing fry! What will you do with 300 fry?!
Unfortunately, I don't think I have 300 frys. I did put about 300 frys to the tanks but I know not all is alive. And I don't know the exact number but I guess more like half of them so say 150.
Only the thing I can count in those tank is 2 survived Neon Tetras I bred about a month ago(hopefully the batch I tried again about week ago have more survive, I see some free swimming. I am hoping at least a dozen but I have to wait and see ). I can't count the Cory frys, Red Cherry Shrimps nor all the snails in those tanks.
Breeding Tetras(so far I only done Neons and Glowlights) are just for fun for me. Although I am planning to do with Lutino Neon Tetras(the one look like Albino but have dark eyes and sometime called either "white neon" or "gold neon") when they grown up, thanks God for the quarantine tank they look good now. Also I have group of blue tetras which I am planning to try when they mature. Also I am planning to get some group of Rainbow Emperor Tetras I saw at the store couple of weeks ago, I have been looking for these fish for a while. And I think the ick is gone from the quarantine tank, I probably go get some in a week or 2.
Breeding Neon is really fun, especially when the eggs hatch and you see tiny eyes. That is pretty much you can see since the body is still clear at the first few days. And after week or 2, you see them chow some food although the food is pretty small you have hard time seeing with your eyes but you know they are eating because you see their mouth move. And when they transform to tiniest Neon Tetra after about a month, they get blue neon line. It is pretty amazing. :wub:
I think I have a dozen or so pairs of eyes swimming right now. Although I never know the exact number yet since there are some marbles and Java moss in the container and they are still small sure are tough to see and count.

I am planning to put them in the cory/shrimp tank once the Neons become few weeks old. So I can utilize the middle/top part of the tank. :nod:

That is my plan and I am stick to it.
Sounds like a good plan. Thats so kool you breed neons aswell. Good luck with them all

Thanks Bozza,

Breeding almost any tetra is not financially rewarding( you cannot compete with S.Asian price) but it is just the experience and the feel of accomplishment I guess. Also, you know the fish you raise would be more healthier without dip in all the chemicals. And I will keep as many as I can. If there are any extra, I will pass them to the fellow local aquarium members. But it will be a while since I only try to breed Neons like once a month. Just pull some adults out from my community tank. And the main part of the hobby for me. And I love Neons even they are cheap fish now. You can find for a $1 nowdays. Can you imagine it cost $500~1,000 when they first introduced.
And I probably can try breed the Lutino in few months. They need little more growing to do. And I am glad they cured from the awful icks. I didn't lose any and there are still 6 of them I bought few weeks ago. Make me rethink about the importance of quarantine new fish. They are start to show some sexual difference.

I collected 185 eggs from Sterbais(I'm pretty sure all 3 females made them, since so many) last night. I knew they were making eggs yesterday afternoon but I couldn't get back until late and end up picking eggs like midnight.
Start out I didn't see many since the eggs I see was few on the glass which happened to be behind the powerhead and the sponge(sometime these guy find the place my hand won't fit to pick eggs). So I collected 7 off the glass. Actually I drop few eggs to the janitors, I'm sure they will be re-cycled. At least the janitors and egg makers are same so it won't be a total waste.
And I start to pick the eggs from the spawning mop, there it was. The mother load of them, 171 of them. Only the reason I know the count because I try to seperate the eggs as much as possible so the bad(infertile) egg won't contaminate the good one next to it. And I find most of the eggs from my Sterbais are layed by 3.
And there are 7 more on the leaf of Java Fern. I saw more before I left the house, so some got re-cycled. Oh well.

Some eggs are at the wrong place at wrong time.
Wouldn't be unhealthy for them to have eggs so often? I know there happy and all but isn't it like us making babies every couple of weeks, so wouldn't it be a drain on their systems?
Wouldn't be unhealthy for them to have eggs so often? I know there happy and all but isn't it like us making babies every couple of weeks, so wouldn't it be a drain on their systems?

I honestly do not know since this is a first year I have breeding Sterbais not to mention it is only a 3rd month since they start.
However, here is something I know. I chat with some other breeder in Eastern Washington who have breeding group of Sterbais. He told me, he collect about 8,000 eggs every year and raise 1,000 to sellable size. He also told me that, in his case and his location(it get pretty hot there, they make eggs from November to May). However I don't know how it works for me since I'm in Seattle and our Summer is more mild. But I imagine they probably not make eggs around middle of Summer.
Also, I get eggs often but there are 3 females and I'm sure not always all of them laying eggs at same time. I'm pretty sure last batch all 3 did paticipate. And I probably won't see eggs for 3days or more.
I also heard that the Sterbais lay eggs for often for 9 months and take break for 3 months out of the year. I just have to wait and see.
They may lay pretty good number of eggs but the eggs are pretty small and the females don't change their plumpness even after they lay eggs.
I just harvest 44 eggs, 7 on the glass, 36 in the spawning mop and 1 on the Java Fern. Judging by the number, I'll say 1 female made them. So it is the 3rd day since the last big spawn. So it seems 1 female came back in 2days off. We'll see if I get any eggs tomorrow from other females.
I guess the females are still recovering from "the big spawn" few days ago. I did find the eggs but it was only 21 eggs. 4 on the back glass, 2 on the Java Fern and 15 in the spawning mop.
I harvested 61 eggs(12 on the leaves of Java Ferns and 49 in the spawning mop).

Now, does anyone know how to train the female(s) cory to leave the eggs on certain spot like inside of hatching container? That would be good.

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