Finally, Pics Of The 75g


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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Well, I finally got a nice shot of both of my goldfish and thier spiffy new 75g tank. Getting it all together took much longer than I'd origionally anticipated, and this problem was compounded by the fact that, even though I did a fishless cycle, these pooper machines maxed out the established bacteria for a bit. Massive water changes on a 75g tank to reduce a huge ammonia spike does not equal fun.
The tank is now back to 0 ammonia and has re-cycled, so now the boys are just happy as can be. I also started adding more live food (both veg and insect) to thier diet, which they love compared to hose Zupreme and Mazuri pellets. Now, without further hesitation, I present...


75g of happy goldfish!




Tangaloor Firefins

Only I could manage to spend this much money on two 10 cent feeders :lol:
Well you sure do look after your goldfish! It's nice to compare that tank to someone with a fishbowl!

Neal :good:

*Cough* I can't say anything about a fish bowl :blush:
They look great! So vibrant!!

Its nice too see goldfish in a large tank where they should be, their size sure makes the tank look smaller than it really is!
It looks great but if you dont mind, i think it would look better if you move the bubble bar all the way down to the bottom!

That is just my suggestion becuase that is what i have but its not my tank so do whatever you want with it.
Thanks for all of the great feedback, everyone! They're definately getting up there in size; I was amazed at how the tank managed to look SMALL with them in there (they're each about 7in); I think I better start saving up for a pond to put them in somewhere down the road! :lol:
Dean - thanks for the suggestion. I used to have it down there, actually, but found that the bubbles would immediately get sucked towards the input. Though it is ugly up high, it seems to suit the goldfish well where it is. :good:

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