Starting A 200L Tropical Tank

I checked this morning and 0-0 so I dosed. I hope I get 0 nitrites by the time I leave for work tomorrow (should be 21 hours after dosing), or I can have Jr check, he's following along, and if so, maybe I can get to the LFS before Christmas shutdown.
Or maybe I can just be more patient.
Hi, Impatient Bob here again. The nitrite bacs are obviously there and growing. I can't see how ammonia is ever going to get to 3ppm once the fish are in, therefore I can't see why the nitrites would ever get high enough to be a problem. The four-year-old householders are no longer even remotely patient.

Jr (9) is checking the nitrites at midday (with assistance). My trigger finger is itching. Help!
Sorry if you have already mentioned this, but what are you planning on stocking your tank with? Species and numbers?
Initially, 2 Crimson Spotted Rainbows, 6 H&T tetras, one BN Pleco and potentially 6 Cherry Barbs.
I was going to up the Rainbow school to 6 eventually, not sure if I should wait a couple of weeks.
With that stocking, you would be surprised how much ammonia would be produced!
Fish also produce ammonia as a by-product of respiration.
Believe me, the wait will be worth it!
Jr just called to say after 25 hours the Nitrites are at 0.
So I'm off home to do the biggest water change in the world and then hopefully make it to the LFS before closing.
Merry Christmas to all!!!
Make sure to keep your eye on the ammonia and nitrite and be prepared to do any waterchanges in needed.
All the fish are in and swimming happily. They all had a snack when I fed them.
I'll be doing daily monitoring for the next few weeks, will keep you posted. I'll also put up some pictures. The new Rainbows are schooling up with the H&T's, I think the older, bigger ones might have given them a bit of a fright!
The goldfish in the old tank appear to be enjoying the extra room too, now that their houseguests have cleared off.
Okay, checked the tank this morning and got:

Temp 27C (78F)
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40
Ph 7.4

All fish still alive and swimming happily. H&T's seem to have factionalised into two groups, Rainbows are a bit confused as to their identity but are nevertheless happy, Cherries are schooling except for Mr Joe Cool (actually Mrs) on her own. I confess that BN's were on sale 2 for $10 (as opposed to $11 each) so there's a pair of tiny ones hiding away happily.


More to come obviously.


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No idea why that photo is upside down, will have to do some work on the others to get them loaded (too big for now).
As for plants, I have a blue stricta front and centre, two "purple dragon" (maybe purple temple) plants, two other purple ones, maybe purple waffle (I'll try and put up some pics to assist in identification) and yesterday the LFS had a sale on Elodea so I got three big bunches. There's also the sick one that's starting to develop some new growth so I'm leaving it be for now.
Sounds good!
You can upload your pictures to a photohosting website like photobucket, which is much easier IMO.
Make sure to post a FTS!
So some shots (FTS later today or tonight):
photo 1.JPG
photo 10.JPG
In the first you can see the blue stricta and an elodea, the back of a Rainbow, the smallest BN in the world, and a couple of H&T's.
In the second, three Rainbows, three H&T's, and a couple of the cherries on the left (I assume the red cherries are male while the brownish ones are female, I have three of each).

photo 5.JPG
photo 9.JPG
A new Rainbow front and centre, a school of H&T's and some cherries keeping a watching brief.
And the ever-vigilant cat thunderegg!

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