Their only down side is they seem to have leaking issue when used as an inline pump.
You got that right... I have a Mag 5 watercooling my computer, and it was a PAIN to seal the main O-ring.
Your point about head not affecting the pump is mostly true. Increasing head pressures will not damage the impeller or the impeller housing because as you say, the impeller always spins at an RPM dictated by the size of the magnets in the drive. The head capabilities are then a function of the efficiency of the impeller design and the power of the magnets. HOWEVER, there are 2 drawbacks to running high head on magdrive pumps. The first, is heat. However if the pump is submerged instead of inline this is not much of an issue. In my computer for instance I need to have water flowing over the pump, but in the tank, no big deal.
The second downfall is electron migration and magnetic deteriation over time. While the impeller speed remains the same during high and low head operations, the current drawn by th emagnets increases dramatically in magdrive pumps when the head pressure is increased. Thats the reason for the heat increase as well. But when the magnets themselves are drawing more current, they will loose capacity and lifespan faster than when drawing low current. IUts impossible to give a true estimation, but a magdrive pump operating at 0 head, 24/7 could last 20 years. And one operating at full head might only last 5-10 years before the magnets hve deteriorated. Please dont take that as gospel, but you get the idea.
Back to SF05's specific issues, let me say that I'm running a mag 7 with a mere 1/2" drain (wouldn't reccomend this) with no problems. Now my head losses are pretty substantial since my tank is so flippin tall, and I run some recirc into my sump cause my return line blows water over the edge of my tank if its full on, but it works great for me. I too would reccomend a mag 5 or 7 for a first-time sump designer. I also would reccomend GREATLY searching for them online. Dunno what its like around where you are, but I can order a Mag 7 for $55 shipped, and my LFS charges $90 for them
you do the math