Finally got my 370 Gallon home!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 20, 2004
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In my Aquarium Room
I finally got my 370 Gallon home :) I had to beg my father to let me use his car, because it's much bigger than mine and the 370 Gallon could fit into it, only after I moved all the seats and even remove some :whistle:
The 370 Gallon is in place right now, it took all night to setup to wooden stand then place the tank on top. And yes, I did have a lot of help :blush: I still have a lot of work to do, but I'm pretty sure that I will be all setup today... I hope :blink:
I decided that I wanted my 370 Gallon to become a Tropcial Community Aquarium instead of being a home for the Giant Gourami. The problem is that I don't know what to add :unsure: There are so many different fish to choose from and it's such a large tank. Any suggestions would be real nice.
Congratulations on the tank......... :D I am not jealous at all. :drool:
I would take your time over choosing your new fish and get nice fish for all levels of the tank. Do you have any fish in mind? With a tank that size you should be able to get lots of lovely fish!!
plants and otocinclus' and losts of them. only when the tank is mature
Well, A massive school of corries would be very cool, especialy if you get small ones , like pygmy or panda cory's, and then get about 50 of them :drool:
As for the upper level, you can always get 20 or 30 hatchet fish :whistle:
What kind of equimpment do you have for it?
Thanks for the replies :D
I didn't get to finish setting up the tank -_- I didn't know that it would take so long to scrub of all the dirt on the glass (this tank has been used before). I managed to get of most of the dirt by I'll try again tomorrow.

I got a heater and 3 filters, I didn't want an underground filter because I knew plants couldn't grow so well with them.

All your ideas on the different fishes to have were very good :) I do want a tropical community tank though. I will be getting some cories and oto's!

I always loved the idea of having a large school of neon or cardinal tetra. What about (rough draft) :

#30 Neon/Cardinal Tetra (I don't know which one is better :unsure: )
#20 Corydoras (Again...I have no idea)
#10 Dwarf Otocinclus
#2 Bristlenose Catfish
#6 Swordtail

...I don't know anymore fish too add :unsure:
Here is what I think you should put in it. A school of 10-15 adult Discus, cardinal tetras, and cories. That would be an amazing tank if it was planted.
holy crap man, with that size of a tank i would never have a tropical community. you should either get a new world cichlid tank, african lake malawi tank, or an oddball tank with eels or knifefish, that kinda stuff. a marine would be awesome too! thats what i would do, but of course its up to you! good luck setting everything up. for a tropical community i would get some pacu, or lots of silver dollars. you could also add a clown knife or two to the aquarium, and maybe an arowana, as long as you dont keep any small fish!
You could get two, or more, really big schools of Corydoras catfish. Each school being different species, then watch them have lots of fun. :-( 370 gallons.....
What are the measurements?
*~*DaRk_AnGeL*~* said:
#30 Neon/Cardinal Tetra (I don't know which one is better :unsure: )
#20 Corydoras (Again...I have no idea)
#10 Dwarf Otocinclus
#2 Bristlenose Catfish
#6 Swordtail

...I don't know anymore fish too add :unsure:
I'm not jealous. Not me. Not in the slightest. *drools*

Cardinals I think are prettier but neons are smaller. Though in that size of a tank it won't make much difference. :D

Cories - panda are sweet, but I think I remember you saying you were putting some of those in your other tank? -_- If so, maybe bronze or peppered for this tnak, they are both very comical.

other fish...hatchet fish? Another shoal of something? gouramis? peaceful barbs?

please post some pics when it's done! or even when it's in progress.
Dont bother with neons, they are so common and arent that great! there are nicer tetras than neons.

I say go for some catfish, sydontsis or flagtail catfish (3 or so?), some nice loaches (3 - 6 depending what sort), and some corys (again 6 or 9), then have some silver or black sharks (6?)

peacock bass, a fast predator that demands respect


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