
The flow controler was the feature of main concern for me...I'll take your word for it on the classics being hard to close again as I haven't used one of those :good:

Slightly off topic though, what other filters have you used T1KARMANN, and how do you rate them, compaired to the other brands that you've used?

All the best
i have never owned anything apart from eheim but i have maintained a few fluvals for people and they are a pile of junk

tetratec if you are willing to put the lives of your fish in the hands of a £40 filter then go for it i will stick to eheim which i know will last for 10yrs +
Tetratec filters are cheap, but not £40 cheap :p As far as I am aware there are no current issues with the Tetratecs, but I doubt that Ehiem will have done anything about customer service yet.... Hope onbody on here is put into a position to find out mind.

I'm happyer placing my fish in the hands of a Tetratec than an Ehiem based on my past experience with Ehiem. The fact that after the initial issue with the taps, there have been no members complaining about issues with these filters, that aren't down to their errors, says something about how these filters are now :good:

OP this is an area where there will always be a conflict in opinion. Take a look the pinned exturnal filter review thread at the top of this page, to see the opinions of the people whom use them. I will fight Tetratecs corner all day long happily, and I think T1KARMANN will happily fight Ehiems corner for equily. That review thread will give less bias opinions of the different filters out there, than either of us two, fromm people with first hand experience with each filter model.

All the best
at the end of the day if you are happy with something then stick with it

i thought you could get the big tetratec for £70 that would mean the smaller models must be cheaper
Yes largest from £70, the smallest from about £50, I was origionaly considering having two of the smallers, but thought two larger ones considering the load would be best. Those prices are dilivered BTW

All the best
Yes largest from £70, the smallest from about £50, I was origionaly considering having two of the smallers, but thought two larger ones considering the load would be best. Those prices are dilivered BTW

All the best

so i wasnt far off with £40 then was i

you cant really think a £40 filter can last 10yrs+ can you :unsure:
£50 actualy :p

It is possible, as they are new to the market, and the market is saturated. The company will be using penetration priceing to gain a good customer base, before gradualy increasing the price once they have a backing, so that they can actualy make a noticable profit out of it. If I've guessed their pricing strategy right, they won't be making much, if anything, out of the filters ATM :rolleyes:

Surely Ehiems don't cost the manufacturer more than £10 to mass produce, unless its the Pro 3 range, then it's mebe £15. They probibly get sold to wholesale for about £20-40. All manufactures exist to make a profit, and Ehiem will make loads due to being the industory leader ATM. This allows them to charge whatever they like within reason. If someone mounted a serious challenge on Ehiems position in the market, I bet their prices would potentialy half if they though that they would retain their position in doing so...

Tetratec are just starting out in this sector, and in a saturated market. You usulaly make a loss the first few years while you establish your position in such a market. This is why it is usualy suicidal for a small business to start in a saturated market, as it costs so much to get a foothold :shifty:

Just a little insight/reminder into/of the business side of things for you :good:
£50 actualy :p

It is possible, as they are new to the market, and the market is saturated. The company will be using penetration priceing to gain a good customer base, before gradualy increasing the price once they have a backing, so that they can actualy make a noticable profit out of it. If I've guessed their pricing strategy right, they won't be making much, if anything, out of the filters ATM :rolleyes:

Surely Ehiems don't cost the manufacturer more than £10 to mass produce, unless its the Pro 3 range, then it's mebe £15. They probibly get sold to wholesale for about £20-40. All manufactures exist to make a profit, and Ehiem will make loads due to being the industory leader ATM. This allows them to charge whatever they like within reason. If someone mounted a serious challenge on Ehiems position in the market, I bet their prices would potentialy half if they though that they would retain their position in doing so...

Tetratec are just starting out in this sector, and in a saturated market. You usulaly make a loss the first few years while you establish your position in such a market. This is why it is usualy suicidal for a small business to start in a saturated market, as it costs so much to get a foothold :shifty:

Just a little insight/reminder into/of the business side of things for you :good:

Have you got any proof that it costs 10 pounds per unit for a eheim? As all the Pro's are still apparentlly manufactured in Germany, meaning they have to pay German wages taxes ect for each unit.

Other wise as Walter Lippmann states : Where all news comes at second-hand, where all the testimony is uncertain, men cease to respond to truths, and respond simply to opinions. The environment in which they act is not the realities themselves, but the pseudo-environment of reports, rumors, and guesses.
I admitedly have no proof of how much each unit costs, but if they are the type of thing that can be mass manufactured by robotics, and the only people needed are those doing quality control at the end, and those that are driving in the raw materials. Even at German wages, wage costs aren't exactly going to be sky high. I would not take long to check each filter, so lettas assum these guys are unrealisticaly expencive, and they take a £1 contribution from each filter on the way out. That laves £9 for the other materials. Plastic will cost mebe another 50p at bulk buying cost, leaving £8.50 for the relatively small amounts of metal in the product, and as contributions towards overheads.
Granted these are all hearsay, but if you think about economies of scale and robotical production lines, it isn't unrealistic to make the assumption that each unit costs £10-15 to make :good:

Take another Greman manufacturing company Juwel Aquarium. I've visuited their factory, and I can tell you that they simply load the glass and silicone into their machines, and then the robots take over..Out comes completed tanks with the pump boxes already installed. One person per line then QC checks each tank, then they are sent to packaging where another 1 person adds the pump, filter sponges, lid with light pre-installed e.t.c. and robots take over again to complete packaging. A realy impressive operation, but there are as close to no labor costs in the process as is practicaly possible.

The techniques that Juwel have used for a few years now could easily be applied to Ehiems filters, and I'd be suppried if a company as big as Ehiem haven't made the switch to robotics already :good:

All the best
if what you are saying is true the the whole world should stop making ALL products and move the production lines to china

if what you are saying is true then eheim are makeing silly money on every filter and should be top of the FTSE 100

do you really think tetra will ever challenge eheim for their top spot fluval have been around for years and they are no closer now from taking eheims crown

tetra had no choice but to sell the filters cheap as that was the only gap in the market for them

eheim top grade filters the best
fluval fairly reasonably priced filters
which left the real cheap filter market open for tetra

lets just see how long the tetra bargin filters last you can recomend them as a great long lasting filter for another 5yrs

at the price tetra are chargeing they are like a desposable filter at £50 you dont care if it brakes after 5yrs
if what you are saying is true the the whole world should stop making ALL products and move the production lines to china

Why would they do that? There would be little saving, as paying two people to run the line would shurely be far less expncive than moving the line and then recruiting two new employees in China.

if what you are saying is true then eheim are makeing silly money on every filter and should be top of the FTSE 100

Isn't the FTSE100 for UK companies, not European?? If so, why would they appear in the FTSE100, since they are german based?
Besides, there are companies shuch as Tesco that have a much more diverse product range that will always make more than compaies such as Ehiem, whom are increadible specialised. If you have access to Keynote Reports (Aquarium Trade 2007 revised edition), you will see that only 10% of all UK households own fish of any kind and I think it was 7% of US households....Thats not exactly a large market, when you consider that Tescos have something they can shift to everyone

do you really think tetra will ever challenge eheim for their top spot fluval have been around for years and they are no closer now from taking eheims crown

You seem to be forgetting the reputation of Fluval.....

tetra had no choice but to sell the filters cheap as that was the only gap in the market for them

eheim top grade filters the best
fluval fairly reasonably priced filters
which left the real cheap filter market open for tetra

Industory leaders have greater backing from customers and thus can charge more for them. A new product in a saturated market must be sold cheaply to get customers from other brands, to build a customer base. If Ehiem entered the market now as a new company with the same products, they would also have to sell cheap, to get a customer backing.

Coincidentaly, I could find the Fluval 405 for just £5 more than the Tetratec EX1200, so they aren't that much cheaper...

The Cheap filter market spot is also saturated, rememer Aqua one, Interpet, and others?

lets just see how long the tetra bargin filters last you can recomend them as a great long lasting filter for another 5yrs

at the price tetra are chargeing they are like a desposable filter at £50 you dont care if it brakes after 5yrs

They will still be here after 5 years if the build quality is as good as their air pumps, don't worry :good: And do you mind quoting me as to where I stated that Tetratec are long lasting? I think you will find I did nothing of the sort, stating that Tetratec had not yet been round long ehough to call how well their exturnals will last long-term, due to them being new to the market :good:

All the best T1KARMANN
you can push the tetratec as much as you like i will never buy one

i care for my fish to much to put them in the hands of a super cheap filter

£1500 aro with a £70 filter yeh right to much of a gamble for me and i think anyone else with expencive fish will feel the same

the filter market must be small because if someone buys a eheim from day one they wont need to buy another filter for 10yrs+ if they are still in the hobby after 10yrs and have had good service from the eheim do you really think they will consider buying a tetratec or stick with a brand they know is going to last them another 10yrs

like i said if you are happy with the tetratec and it works well then you to should not need to buy a new filter for another 10yrs so what advantages do tetratec have of selling cheap from the off set if the people they are selling to will not need another filter for 10yrs
like i said if you are happy with the tetratec and it works well then you to should not need to buy a new filter for another 10yrs so what advantages do tetratec have of selling cheap from the off set if the people they are selling to will not need another filter for 10yrs

They get a new tank?

There's a thing called value for money.

Also am pretty sure there are people out there who have had Ehiem filters fail or break. Heck I would like to see a mass manufactured product that does not fail..
of course they brake but the fail rate is much lower than say fluval

i have a eheim 2252 internal filter running right now that has been running for 12yrs+ non stop

this tetratec exturnal filter had problems from day 1 with their taps thats hardly a good start point for a new product they are trying to put on the market

the title of this thread was whats the best filter not whats the best value for money

do some market resurch and you will find that eheim are more expencive but so far they are the best
of course they brake but the fail rate is much lower than say fluval

i have a eheim 2252 internal filter running right now that has been running for 12yrs+ non stop

this tetratec exturnal filter had problems from day 1 with their taps thats hardly a good start point for a new product they are trying to put on the market

the title of this thread was whats the best filter not whats the best value for money
do some market resurch and you will find that eheim are more expencive but so far they are the best

Well i have read a few complaints about some of there range.

I only anwser ur question about why would someone buy one.

But yes some of ehieim ranges like the no trills classic (such means less to go wrong which is a good thing) and there professionel same to be the best accessble product on the Market

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