£50 actualy
It is possible, as they are new to the market, and the market is saturated. The company will be using penetration priceing to gain a good customer base, before gradualy increasing the price once they have a backing, so that they can actualy make a noticable profit out of it. If I've guessed their pricing strategy right, they won't be making much, if anything, out of the filters ATM
Surely Ehiems don't cost the manufacturer more than £10 to mass produce, unless its the Pro 3 range, then it's mebe £15. They probibly get sold to wholesale for about £20-40. All manufactures exist to make a profit, and Ehiem will make loads due to being the industory leader ATM. This allows them to charge whatever they like within reason. If someone mounted a serious challenge on Ehiems position in the market, I bet their prices would potentialy half if they though that they would retain their position in doing so...
Tetratec are just starting out in this sector, and in a saturated market. You usulaly make a loss the first few years while you establish your position in such a market. This is why it is usualy suicidal for a small business to start in a saturated market, as it costs so much to get a foothold
Just a little insight/reminder into/of the business side of things for you