

New Member
Jan 14, 2008
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I have my tank running for two months and I clean my filters (in tank water) every week.

My question is how often should I change them? The foam pad is showing some wear and tear but it isn't so bad when washed. I want to get maximum life from it but don't want the water quality to suffer. I spend too much time looking after them as it is!

I bought some foam pads last night and plan to buy the other pads next week, because I believe you shouldn't change all filter at the same time. The other pads don't seem too bad.
I have my tank running for two months and I clean my filters (in tank water) every week.

My question is how often should I change them? The foam pad is showing some wear and tear but it isn't so bad when washed. I want to get maximum life from it but don't want the water quality to suffer. I spend too much time looking after them as it is!

I bought some foam pads last night and plan to buy the other pads next week, because I believe you shouldn't change all filter at the same time. The other pads don't seem too bad.

You really don't ever need to change the filter media, unless it is really about to fall apart with wear. It certainly shouldn't need replacing after only two months, some of mine is years old! I would also suggest that cleaning the filter pads every week is a little excessive. If they are really badly clogged with debris after a week then it is perhaps a sign that you need to uprate the filter.
Thanks for your reply. Makes me wonder how Pets at Home (spit) manage to sell the replacement packs :hyper:
I agree with aquila.
If you need to clean the filter more than once a month you need more filtration, or you need to reduce the load in the tank, (less food and fewer fish).
The only filter media that needs replacing on any regular basis is carbon. Carbon should be replaced either monthly for normal stuff, or every two months for activated carbon. Don't use carbon when you are using medications or plants fertilisers as it will remove them from the water.
If you have a small white granulated substance to remove ammonia from the water then you should take that out and throw it away. It causes all sorts of problems with filter cycles and bacteria. The ammonia remover is different from ceramic beads or noodles.
I have my tank running for two months and I clean my filters (in tank water) every week.

My question is how often should I change them? The foam pad is showing some wear and tear but it isn't so bad when washed. I want to get maximum life from it but don't want the water quality to suffer. I spend too much time looking after them as it is!

I bought some foam pads last night and plan to buy the other pads next week, because I believe you shouldn't change all filter at the same time. The other pads don't seem too bad.
telling you to replace the pads is nothing more than, sales waffle! change them when they fall apart, and then only one sponge at a time with a couple of cleans in between. there seem to be no clear rule on filter cleaning. the consensus seem to be, do it when the flow, from the outlet, drops significantly. i have a 20g, with 10g of water in, and i have yet to clean the filter, including the cycle, and it been running for over three months! (admittedly with only three newts in)

I don't use carbon. Should I? Or when should I use it?
no! unless you are using it to remove meds.

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