Fish Herder
Cories can also rub their noses trying to move and get under something to get at food.
There is a nice Emerald Cory/Brochis splendens on this page near the bottom on Amunet's post. here
Barracuda has some nice pics of his somewhere.
Planet Catfish has good pics.
I have never seen a bronze fight either. I know some aspidoras are territorial and do not school, because I asked Bryan about some he had. Barracuda, you know more about these...?
I dont think that is a B. splendens.
I didnt know that about aspidoras. As far as I know, aspidoras are peaceful and need to be in groups.
EDIT: Plus the fish in question is 3", I dont think any aspidoras get that big...
Brochis splendens (please excuse the flash):