few Questns for a 30 gal


Fish Addict
Apr 28, 2004
Reaction score
Virginia Beach , VA, USA
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone annoyin user here again :) im askin juss a few questions just to get sure of what to use and what i want :
what filter would you recommend for a 30 gal?
what syphon? and also what air pump? I might be puttin a tetra deep water
and finally what pleco would you pick ?oh and what kinda plants would u like?(live ones)

and you can answer whatever u like

P.S: here is a list of the fishes that im thinkin on to get and ill put sand instead of gravel:)

kissing gouramis
and maybe some other
but not sure right now

thanks for your time :)
How tall is your tank? Unless it is 18 inches tall or taller I'd forget the angels.

I'd skip the kissing gouramis all together as they do get large and will keep you from being able to have too many other fish. Perhaps another type of gourami would work for you. I'm partial to pearl myself, I've had very little aggression from mine.

Just make sure that the pleco you get doesn't get larger then say about 6 inches OR go with a trio or more of the wonderful cory family. They are active and playful and a lot more fun to watch in your tank then your average pleco. Nothing against plecos - I love mine but bang for buck in a smaller tank the cories win hands down.

It's fun to plan a new tank isn't it! :)

jams.alaskan said:
How tall is your tank? Unless it is 18 inches tall or taller I'd forget the angels.

I'd skip the kissing gouramis all together as they do get large and will keep you from being able to have too many other fish. Perhaps another type of gourami would work for you. I'm partial to pearl myself, I've had very little aggression from mine.

Just make sure that the pleco you get doesn't get larger then say about 6 inches OR go with a trio or more of the wonderful cory family. They are active and playful and a lot more fun to watch in your tank then your average pleco. Nothing against plecos - I love mine but bang for buck in a smaller tank the cories win hands down.

It's fun to plan a new tank isn't it! :)

YEAH! IT IS! my friends and my brother they think im a "fish-sick" , im "insane about them", :p i just cant help it !!! whe i was little nobody could touch them (like try to help cleanin or feedin them) just my dad who was crazy about me :) so he would give everything till a certain point , i remember that one time my bro had an iguana and she tried to eat my fishies!!!!!! she never got them :p it was funny lookin at her tryin to catch them LOL :rofl:
and well going back to the topic i'll see how tall it is i dunno i'll see again this week the prices on my Favorite lps maybe a bowfront would work i dunno i have to see again :) thank you jams!!
29 gallon tanks are 30x12x18, so that would do for a pair of angels, I'd think. That's a pretty common size, too.

Here are my suggestions:

* Filter -- Emperor 280 or AquaClear 300. Personally, I prefer the Emperor.
* Siphon -- Python No-Spill System. Best $25 I've ever spent on aquarium equipment (my opinion only, some people don't like them).
* No air pump or wall. Personally, I don't like the look, and in most cases, they're unnecessary. Also, if you end up injecting CO2 into the tank (done at higher light levels, for the plants' sake), the disturbance from the air stone/wall can make the CO2 injection less efficient.

* Pleco -- I dunno, I kind of agree with jams; I like cories much better. Or, better yet for the "fun to watch" side, a pair or three yoyo loaches -- they're nutso. If I had to pick a pleco, I'd say go with a bristlenose (cheap) or queen arabesque (not cheap at all).

* Plants -- depends on what light you're willing to put over the tank. If you want to use the standard lighting (single strip, for that length tank would be one 20W, 24" bulb), then your choices are limited. Some suggestions for that situation would be Java fern, Java moss, hornwort, wisteria, a crypt or two, maybe a sword. For giggles, you could get a marimo ball (moss ball) or three.
Bol said:
29 gallon tanks are 30x12x18, so that would do for a pair of angels, I'd think. That's a pretty common size, too.

Here are my suggestions:

* Filter -- Emperor 280 or AquaClear 300. Personally, I prefer the Emperor.
* Siphon -- Python No-Spill System. Best $25 I've ever spent on aquarium equipment (my opinion only, some people don't like them).
* No air pump or wall. Personally, I don't like the look, and in most cases, they're unnecessary. Also, if you end up injecting CO2 into the tank (done at higher light levels, for the plants' sake), the disturbance from the air stone/wall can make the CO2 injection less efficient.

* Pleco -- I dunno, I kind of agree with jams; I like cories much better. Or, better yet for the "fun to watch" side, a pair or three yoyo loaches -- they're nutso. If I had to pick a pleco, I'd say go with a bristlenose (cheap) or queen arabesque (not cheap at all).

* Plants -- depends on what light you're willing to put over the tank. If you want to use the standard lighting (single strip, for that length tank would be one 20W, 24" bulb), then your choices are limited. Some suggestions for that situation would be Java fern, Java moss, hornwort, wisteria, a crypt or two, maybe a sword. For giggles, you could get a marimo ball (moss ball) or three.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH BOL!!!! :lol: :) i'll work with that! u were such a good help as always jams helps me out (he's on the most topics i've posted :) thnx by the way jams)

and so i shouldnt come up with anubias? right? :( they were nice lookin
and the reason i want the plecos its becuz the stay stuck on the walls and suckin all the algae :p i can laugh for hours lookin at them movin their lil mouths! :rofl:

i've seen PURPLE MICKEY MOUSE PLATIES i didnt even know there were some ! somebody did? :S i've seen the on walmart. and they can go with cories rght..... i guess so (the plecos)

by the way my gups are gettin faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat :) yay money !!! :p
and so i shouldnt come up with anubias? right?

Oh, no, I'm sorry, anubias would be great. Anubias tend to do very well under low light. The main reason I didn't list them is because many of them spread out a lot (sideways). An average A. Barteri could easily "cover" 1/4 of that tank.

But if you can find smaller ones (like A. Nana or A. Nana "petite"), go for it. Even if you can't, you can divide larger ones when they get too large, and make two smaller plants.
hey again! well i was wondering.... that im going for the 29 gal cuz i want angels... just what would you have with them? and like if its deeper doesnt that need air pump? i kno that if i plan on live plants the CO2 will not be too efficient , but if i put it on a corner like really slow bubbles could that work? is juss that i love bubbles , but if its unnecessary just wanted to know cuz i dont want most of my fishes on the top becuz of they need oxygen... its kinda boring lookin at them stayin at the top .... they do swim happily alll over the tank... but sometimes i just come home and they're like bored.....or i dunno i guess some ppl knew what i meant, well.... thats all im askin you to answer what would you have? plecos,otos,gouramis...what? and that thingy about the air pump

oh oh b4 i forgot ...i already forgot dang
I'd go with a pair of angels and a small group of cory cats. Can't ask for more entertainment then that. :D If you have a filter with a biowheel or other system that disrupts the water surface a little you should be ok without the "bubble thingy" it is true that if you want live plants the bubbles can rob them of some of the co2 in the tank. What filter do you have? You are going to have so much fun with this. I think that you would love corys for the antics that they are famous for.


I'm actually a gal. And don't you ever change your avatar!!! It suits you. :D
jams.alaskan said:
I'm actually a gal. And don't you ever change your avatar!!! It suits you :D
HAHAHAHAHHA LOL! :rofl: DID U SED THAT BECUZ I FORGOT??? HAHAHAH i still cant remember! :p it happens often with not really important things :p. :X D'UH! hahaha im hyper tonite! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: and i am so not going to skull 2morro, i forgot to study 4 maths and science tests, they're easy tho , but i wont go .

Well im plannin on going with the Emperor 280 as Bol said, its really good :) , so im guessin its unnecessary the bubble thingy, isnt it? :byebye: bubbles! :( :-( even if i put it really really low still stopin the CO2 from workin? dang!! i love corys 2!

im sorry about thinkin u were a guy :sad: i thought ur name was james, but u took the "e" off of it :whistle: what an ignorant i am! , im sorry! i really am! :dunno: .

THaNKS FoR aLL oF YouR HeLP! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

P.S : i know that its something about what i saw today in petsmart....i was gonna ask if it was the right choice to do somethin.... i cant remember!!!!!
P.S2: im still open minded for more suggestions if u want to add 'em feel free!
P.S3: WOW ! THIS ONE IS A NEAT PlANT! I LUV IT! its name is African Water Fern (Bolbitis heudelotii)
kgrehm said:
All i have to say is one weired cookie. And what kind of angels are you looking to get?
im plannin on get a gold veil angel and an albino angel

and maybe some other as time goes by ;) their max size is 6" i read on liveaquaria.com

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