few info on fish.


Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Essex, Kirby
couple of interesting fish on a new fish suppliers at work, i have a incline of which ones they mean but thought i would check..

Water cow goby 18-22cm
Marble Goby 3-4cm (Cute!!)
African Goby
Marbled Garfish 8cm

Water cow goby = Eleotris picta, huge growing sleaper goby that will consume anything it can get its mouth around, gets to about 18 inches.

Marbled goby = Oxyeleotris marmaratus, another huge growing sleaper goby that is highly predatory, gets to around 20 inches and needs mild brackish water as an adult.

African goby :S your guess is as good as mine, could be any one of several species.

Marbled gar = Boulengerella maculata, one of the pike Characins from south America. Mainly dwells on the surface, grows to around a foot and preys on small and slim bodied fishes, very delicate and needs excellent water quallity.
cheers dean.

I'm doubting it but would the "water cow" make a good addition to my tank?

might consider getting 1 for the shop depending what there like? particularly agresive?
Ive never kept one myself but from what ive seen they are pretty damn ugly. Info on them is scarce but most sleaper gobies are pretty nasty so i would think these are too, might be worth a risk if you fancy something unusual but be prepared to move fish about if it starts ripping heads off.

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