Festivum Aggression Question

I'm not sure what is considered normal levels of aggression when cichlids are asserting dominance but last night I saw them lock jaws twice. How long should this kind of behavior last before I should be worried?
I usually give it 2 weeks but if it looks bad split them asap. I waited too long once and thats how I lost my Nicaraguan...
The other thing to try is re aranging the decor it can break up territories old and new and can sometimes work to stop the aggression.
I really would get more decor and dither fish in there asap if you are having these issues.
OK, I'm going to order some of that manzanita wood as soon as I get paid, I have a few ceramic pots I can add until then and I'll rearrange the driftwood every few days. The smaller 2 festivum seem to like hiding in the bunch of hornwort I have floating in the tank right now.

As far as dither fish what would you recommend? I feel like the tank is pretty close to fully stocked. Right now we have 7 diamond tetra (we had 1 jumper), 8 sterbai cories, 1 clown pleco and the festivums. I also wanted to try to get the trio of Apistos but I'm not sure if I still have room or not.

Thanks again for all your help, I'll keep updating this thread as things progress.
No problem :) The Diamonds will be a great dither fish for them - Get the school upto 12-14 and you should be fine at that. So that would make your stocking
4 Festivum
12 Diamond Tetras
8 Sterabai Cories
1 Clown Plec
I think you could get away with a trio of Apistos in there as well. I think maybe A.Hongsloi would be good as they are quite large as adults and the colours will fit nice :)

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