Fertile Cory Eggs!

I shall have a look on ebay, thank you  :)
I have fry. I've seen at least 2 darting about. I've just changed some water using my turkey baster. All seems well at the moment :)
Yey! Fingers crossed for them! Did you go bin diving for the ice cream tub? :D
I did but couldn't find it. I found a old sandwich tub that fit inside my breeding trap instead so I've got the same set up as you - more or less. I'll check on them this afternoon when I change some of their water. There were two really dark eggs that hadn't hatched yet so there should be more by now. I don't want to disturb them too  much to count them though
Lol I turfed everything out of the cupboard last week to find more boxes for the microworms. I gently move the moss around a bit with the turkey baster to count them. It got much easier after the first couple of days when they became more active looking for food. No doubt mine are easier considering that I have beginner's cories :D
I checked on them earlier and changed some water and I have either 4 or 5 in total. Two were sat together in the middle under the moss and there were 2 or 3 darting about seen as I'd disturbed them. 
I've not managed to get any microworms ordered yet so I'm now worrying what I'm going to feed them come tomorrow. I'm toying with letting them go into the tank with the harley's as there will be microscopic stuff to eat in there and there's bound to be some flake that hits the substrate but that leaves them open to being harlequin food. Not sure what to do to be honest
I'm just home from my lfs. I went to see what I could get in food for the cories. They didn't have anything dry that would be small enough so I asked about frozen and more specifically Cyclops as I know that is tiny. They didn't have any in stock but they did have Turtle eggs which is even smaller than Cyclops. They seem to think if I defrost a block and keep it in a sealed jar in the fridge one block will be okay for the day. Some will be wasted but I may just feed the remainder to my baby harlequins anyway. It shouldn't do them any harm to have something frozen every day while they are growing on.
I'll let you know how I get on with it flubberlump :)
I've never heard of turtle eggs! They sound good though if they're tiny. Mine appear to be munching on whatever they can find in there. I added some more moss this morning so that should be keeping them busy until they get more microworms later on.

I'm waiting for the brine shrimp to hatch now. Apparently if they're kept at 28C they hatch in 30-40 hours. Mine are at 24C as they're floating in the tank, which is the warmest place in the house! I'm hoping they hatch tomorrow.
I'd send you a sample of these turtle eggs but they're frozen so they'd be off by the time they reached you :(  I will let you know if they can manage them though for future reference. Mine should have used up the yolk sac by tomorrow so will be looking for food. 
Don't worry :) yes let me know how you get on. Hope they like them :)
I've added a bit about 15 minutes ago. I'm going to wait an hour to give them chance to find them and have a try and then I'll change their water. I don't want to tempt ammonia. It is incredibly tiny, there's no reason why they shouldn't be able to manage it. The blocks are large with a ridge down the middle so I was able to cut one block in half easily. I poured the rest into a seal tight jar and put it in the fridge. They can have some more tonight and the rest can be fed to my baby harley's
Yeah thinking about it I change the water before feeding, but the worms can live for 24 hours in water so they won't pollute it unless they die. Having seen the rate at which the babies snaffle them I think that's unlikely :D

Still waiting for the brine shrimp.
well it didn't look like they'd eaten any of these turtle eggs but I decided to change 100% of their water just to be sure I don't tempt ammonia. This meant removing the moss and the babies so I now know I definitely have 5 and they're all really fast swimmers which bodes well. In the past I've had the odd lazy one and they were the one's that tended to die. Hopefully all 5 will survive. I still have no idea what species of cory they are. They are a dark grey but very small so not peppered. I'm secretly hoping they are smudge spots
Ahh hopefully they'll get the idea. Maybe they're not hungry enough yet?

I could see the pattern on mine from the day they started foraging. They really are growing fast!

Out of interest, do you do anything special to get your harleys and tetras to spawn? Or are they just really happy in your tank conditions?

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