Fertile Cory Eggs!

Great news! All 9 have hatched! :D The first was about at 9am and the last about 10pm.

I've put a lump of Java moss in with them and they've zoomed off underneath it. I should have a microworm culture arriving tomorrow, and I'm just about to order some baby brine shrimp too.

Fingers crossed for these little guys!
2 died overnight. I've been able to count 6 today which leaves one MIA. That said, there's Java moss in there and they've been flitting around in it so it did take me over an hour to be certain there were 6!

I've done 2 x 50%ish water changes today with a turkey baster, it seems to work well!

I set up a microworm culture this morning, so hopefully I'll be able to harvest some on Thursday. I've got some brine shrimp eggs coming too so when they get here I'll set up a hatchery with a pump and plastic bottle.

They were born yesterday, so should I give them something to eat tomorrow? There's moss in there and I can put some more in for them to pick at if they're ready? Or I have some liquifry so I could put a tiny bit of that in? Then microworms on Thursday when they're ready.
I've counted 6 again today. It's amazing how much they've grown since Monday! I can see some patterning on their head too when I look from above.
hi, sorry for late reply. I took a break from the forum for a day or so.
I would start adding a drop of liquifry to a little pot (I use a medicine measuring cup) with a little tank water and mix it in then pour it gently over the moss. It will just add a little more infusoria for them to eat :)
I have them too now. 18 of them and they all look fertile too :)
Ooo congratulations! Peppered? Or one of your others?

Still 6 this morning. They're more active and seem to be rummaging around in the moss. I mixed some liquifry in water and put a tiny bit in. It says 1 drop per 4ltr and they're floating in a tub so I'm being careful. My microworm culture seems slow. I've had a few but not many at all! I wonder whether I made the porridge too dry. I hope it picks up!

HarpyFishLover this is the only photo I have, they spend a lot of time under the moss. If you look very closely there's a second fry slightly above the obvious one and to the left under the moss :)

I suspect my eggs are panda eggs again. It's obviously a mature female for the amount that I've found. I'm certain there are more eggs in the tank hidden from my view.
Have you got yours in a shallow tub? How is that working out with the air stone? I'm trying to work out what to do with mine once they hatch. I've cut down a pop bottle and put them in there with an air stone but once they hatch I'm unsure if that will still work. The bottle is suspended in my fry tank which currently contains 10 harlequin juniors. The harley's are big enough to eat newly hatched cories but still a little too small themselves to move out and go into my main tank.
I'm considering a storage box on the floor with a sponge filter and my spare heater at the moment. 
I had loads of eggs, she's a few years old and does a pretty good job of hiding them but I've never collected any before. She lays most of them on leaves, which I've read is quite unusual for peppereds as they lay on the tank walls.

I have mine in a shallow plastic tub, one of those you get salad in from a takeaway about 3" deep. It seems ok! I have about 2" of water in it and the airstone is plenty to move the water surface but doesn't create much movement lower down. The fry aren't getting moved around by it at all! In fact I was watching one of them swimming at the surface earlier on a lot like the adults do, vertical just touching the surface. It had no trouble. Because the tub is floating in the tank it's really easy to do water changes, I just take the old water from the box with a turkey baster and squirt it into the main tank, then vice-versa to fill it up again. The airstone is one of the little blue ones about 3" long. I've attached it to the side of the tub with a sucker so it's fixed in place.

It just so happens that the tube is the perfect size to sit on top of my breeder box which I've stuck to the side of the tank, so there's no risk of it floating away across the tank. That's just luck though.
yeah, luck! I'm not having any really with these panda's. I've had a few eggs and only managed to get one fry to about 1cm before it died. I'm determined to have better luck this time. I must be due some and it'll soften the blow of losing my boy  (that was what I called curviceps) 
I have another 30 litre tank in my shed but I've no lid for it. I'm just wondering whether to bring it in and set it up for the eggs and see if I can make a lid from something. It would only have to be until they get too large to be eaten by the harleys. Once they get big enough they can move in with them 
Here are some photos:




I hope it works! I haven't been able to get another tank or anything. Since losing Alan I don't have any other that I'm worried might eat them as long as I can get them big enough, they just need to survive and grow a bit before I can let them go!

Pandas sound hard. You've raised plenty of other fry though I'm sure you'll work it out :)

Edit: pasted the same photo twice.
I'm currently working on putting together a similar thing as your set up. I have a similar food storage box and I have my breeder box which is a green plastic thing that a net bag fits over. I've worked out that if I remove the net bag and turn the plastic cage bit on it's side the food storage box fits in it. The only thing is the little box is no more than 2 inches deep. I'd prefer it to be deeper. I'm annoyed cos I only threw an ice cream box away last week and that would have been better .... I'm thinking about raiding the wheelie bin to see if I can rescue it! .... slightly ewww
Akasha72 said:
I'm currently working on putting together a similar thing as your set up. I have a similar food storage box and I have my breeder box which is a green plastic thing that a net bag fits over. I've worked out that if I remove the net bag and turn the plastic cage bit on it's side the food storage box fits in it. The only thing is the little box is no more than 2 inches deep. I'd prefer it to be deeper. I'm annoyed cos I only threw an ice cream box away last week and that would have been better .... I'm thinking about raiding the wheelie bin to see if I can rescue it! .... slightly ewww
The depth isn't as important as the surface area.... see the Coryman post above http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/440699-fertile-cory-eggs/#entry3732342
Water change with tank water twice a day and everything should be just fine.
thanks for the gentle reminder Eagles. I've re-read it now. Hopefully in 4 weeks time the harley's might be big enough to move out just in time for the cories to move in :)

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