Fertile Cory Eggs!

Akasha72 said:
thanks for the gentle reminder Eagles. I've re-read it now. Hopefully in 4 weeks time the harley's might be big enough to move out just in time for the cories to move in
As long as you have cover for the fry (any type of moss is ideal) the harleys won't be an issue with the fry.  The fry will stay in the moss until they feel secure enough to come out more frequently. 
I've now added some plants to this little fry tank for exactly that reason. I'm determined to raise some panda cories!
Yeah raid the bin! I would lol.

They are tiny! But guess what? There are definitely 7! I've only managed to count 6 since Tuesday, after the 1st 2 died. They're noticeably bigger and darker now though, and are spending their time foraging, so much easier to spot. I'm well chuffed.

It was obvious when their yolk sacs were gone, they were slimmer. Now though, they look like they have little tummies again! Hopefully because they're full of food.
fingers crossed for them! Lets hope they do well :)
Me too. They're very cute. I wanted some more peppereds anyway!

Hope you get on well with your pandas :)
we'll see how mine go. I'm not expecting much seen as I've failed with them several times. If mine survive they'll be going to my lfs. 6 panda's is more than enough :)
Akasha72 said:
I've now added some plants to this little fry tank for exactly that reason. I'm determined to raise some panda cories!
You could always use my method... :whistle:  
I did Eagles and got 2! But I've not had any for a long while - sharp eyed tetra's and angels eating any survivors I presume. 
My method includes not worrying about whether or not they laid eggs.  :lol:
lol! I used to do that but then I started trying to raise a few and got a bee in me bonnet and now I'm so determined to succeed at it that I'm eagerly awaiting the next spawn so I can collect more eggs!
I'll get bored again at some point but seen as I've got my fry/quarantine tank running it might aswell have something in it 
Unfortunately one fry died over Friday night :(

There are still 6 left, 1 week old today! They're growing fast and eating well. The microworm culture got going eventually and they don't last long once they're in the tank! I've also been sucking a bit of water from the filter floss and squirting that over the moss. I was using really dilute liquifry but I tested the water in the box yesterday and there was a small amount of ammonia so they haven't had any since Friday. I tested again this morning and ammonia and nitrate were at 0. I set up a DIY brine shrimp hatchery this morning.

Fingers crossed for them!

Any news on your eggs Akasha?
Here's a photo of 2 of them that I took this morning.

Always sad to lose fry, but remember that there is a reason why fish lay sooooooo many eggs.  A lot of it has to do with predation, but some of it has to do with their delicacy.  Raising 100% of the fertile eggs to adulthood is always the impossible dream of anyone trying to breed their fish.  Its just not going to happen. 
Even with larger animals who have far less young at once, there are 'runts' in the litters and they rarely grow up to maturity.  Its sad, and its probable that you couldn't tell the difference between them.  But there likely was one.  Again, remember that in the cases of runts, animals recognize problems long before humans.  Animal mothers will often neglect a sick or weak young one, because she just can't afford the resources to try to help it at the expense of the stronger ones.  Its sad, but its true.  And in those cases where it happens in a zoo or whatnot, even after humans try to intervene on behalf of the young, they still often run into trouble.  I recall a case where a black rhino in captivity was born.  Everyone was thrilled.  About 3 days later, the mother abandoned the calf and no one knew why.  The young calf ate and grew, and about a year later, developed some sort vision problem, a balance problem, and died a few months later.  Somehow the mother knew that this calf wasn't going to make it.  And since rhinos can't have young while rearing a calf, she abandoned it.  
If you can raise even half of these remaining 6 to adulthood, you will have done as well as can be expected.
Hi, most of my eggs arn't darkening. I think I've got maybe 2 or 3 that have turned dark brown. This is not good from 18 eggs. Thanks for the tip on the liquifry turning the water nasty. 
Can you give me some instructions on how your getting the microworms and brineshrimp. It's not something I've tried before
Thanks eagles. I wasn't expecting to raise all of them, it was smaller than some of the others though. I can see that there are 4 of the remaining 6 that are a bit bigger than the other 2 so time will tell how many will make it. Poor baby rhino :( I often hand rear young animals at work. Often they've been abandoned by people though rather than their mothers! They're usually pet animals, although I did play a part in rearing a wallaby joey who did well!

I assume it was the liquifry, as I can't imagine those tiny babies producing enough ammonia to show on a test kit! The worms go down pretty fast once they're in the tank. The fry have got the hang of those now. They also live for 24 hours apparently so even any that aren't eaten immediately will be eaten in less time than that.

I got both the microworms and brine shrimp eggs from eBay. Am I allowed to post links to them here? If so I will. I've never tried live food before either!

The microworms are easy, you just need a small plastic tub with a lid, and some porridge.

The brine shrimp are a bit more complicated. You need an airpump, airline and a small airstone. You can then either get ready made hatcheries or make your own, which is what I did. For that you need a 2ltr coke (other fizzy drinks are available :) ) bottle. The eggs I got also came with the salt mix for them. The instructions say you should keep the mixture around 28 degrees C for the fastest hatching rate! There is no way I am turning the heating up that high :D so I've floated it on the top of the tank with a weight to stop it floating off. 24C will have to do and I'll just have to be a bit more patient lol. My tank is a beautiful display of floating containers at the moment :D We'll have to see whether they hatch in the next few days.

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