Fertile Cory Eggs!

Update... I saw the escapee last night, about an hour after I said I hadn't seen it. It must have known :D it's grown so obviously doing well. It'll be joined by the others soon.
great news flubberlump 
I'm letting the other 5 go on Monday. They'll be 5 weeks old then. I know it's a week longer than the coryman suggests but it's the first time I've done it so I've been extra careful :)
Flubberlump said:
I'm letting the other 5 go on Monday. They'll be 5 weeks old then. I know it's a week longer than the coryman suggests but it's the first time I've done it so I've been extra careful
:good:  Awesome!
Right photo update time! I will warn you advance that they are incredibly cute :wub:






The third photo is of the small baby with the flat head. It's hard to get a decent photo of it from a good angle to see the size difference compared to the others.

Told you they were cute.
Thanks :) it's the first time I ever raised any so I'm really pleased, 6 out of the 9 fertile eggs I collected survived. Now I'll have to take a deep breath on Monday and let them go into the main tank with the escapee.
they're looking really good! you can even see their barbels now, proper mini cories :D 
Extremely jealous
 ! They're stunning little fry - mine used to breed all the time but now I'm away from home for uni there is nobody to save the eggs from my tetras! How many fry do you have in total and what do you plan on doing with them once they've grown up? I wish I was in your position 

Good luck with them!
Flubberlump said:
it's the first time I ever raised any so I'm really pleased, 6 out of the 9 fertile eggs I collected survived. Now I'll have to take a deep breath on Monday and let them go into the main tank with the escapee.
Don't fret.  My cory fry that I had just pop up in my tank were likely 1/3-1/2 the size of yours by the time they made their first appearance out of hiding.  They will be just fine!  :nod:  Well done!  :good:
Thanks everyone :)
Akasha - I can't believe how long their barbels are! The adult peppereds have long barbels but the babies' look huge!

Fishmad - I have 6 fry from 9 hatchlings. 2 died the first night after hatching and 1 died 2 days later, which I assume was something to do with it using up it's yolk sac then not eating any food. I'll keep them as I wanted some more anyway. I only have 3 adults - 2 females and a male. Both females spawn but this is the first time I've saved any eggs. They're quite shy so I was hoping that they'd be more confident in a greater number. I'll be upgrading the tank soon so they'll have more room then. The only reason I didn't have any more already was because of previous bad advice from a store which left me with a lot of bottom dwellers! I don't have as many now. Until the fry came along that is.

Eagles - I'm sure they will be, as I say they're twice the age that the escapee was when it got out. They're about 2cm now. I'm pleased that I've managed to raise so many of them :)
So I let them go yesterday afternoon. They acted as if they hadn't even noticed. Immediately snuffling in the sand and eating. I put some microworms in before I let them go.

Some photos from just after I released them. Sorry about the poor quality!






aww into the big wide world (or tank) Hope they do well :D
They are HUGE (relatively speaking, of course)!

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