

Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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i know this sounds like a stupid question, but i just got my first 3 female bettas and i've tried to feed them betta pellets...they'd go after it with their life, swallow it and then a few seconds later spit it back out, it seems like these guys are too tiny to swallow the whole pellet.

so instead i crushed fish flakes to pieces and tried giving them back...i didn't get any interst back at all :blink: strange fish...they look hungry lol
Are they those huge pellets? My friend had the same problem. The pellets may have to soften in the water first. Or you could just get the smaller Hikari pellets.
maybe froxen brine shrimp, dont know anyfish that does not eat it, evan my guppys with eat the whole block, pigs, i dont have to break it or antying they just rip it off -_-
If i were you, i feed my bettas brine shrimp and bloodworms. An occastion tetramin for bettas but they only eat that once in a blue moon. Wanted to get cultures but after my faliures at trying to breed i will get more once i can try and get younger bettas or condition mine again.
sounds like the same problem i'm having....i bought this female, which is REAL small, and when i feed her the betta pellets, she goes after them like she wants them, and trys her hardest to eat them....but can't fit them all the way in her mouth! so i have to crush some blood worms and feed those to her. she likes them, and they're softer, but i have that stuff for my other betta, who won't eat anything else. so i don't want to spoil her to the point where she won't eat anything, but i haven't got any other food that she wants!

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