I called in a fish shop today to get some stuff and while I was in there I asked if they bought fry, the young lady asked what I had and I told her about the Kribs, she said when they get to around an inch in size give them a call, she said we normally give a credit note in exchange.
Well that is good, I wasn't looking for a fortune but a couple of other shops I once asked don't give you anything, not even a tub of fish food.
I noticed while I was in there they had a stock of baby Cichlids but I didn't know what they were, there was around 50 of them in a tank all around an inch in size, pale grey in colour and some seemed to have a few dark perpendicular stripes, any way they were £5
Then saw some dark Blue ones in another tank, these were around 3/4 inch they were £6 each, I liked them but got no room.