Female fishkeepers.

Maybe this has nothing to do with it, but if my mom were to give me a plate of food it would be overflowing but my dad would barely fill half the plate. Maybe females have some kind of nurturing instinct that wants to make sure no one starves. :lol:
My mum definately over feeds!

She looked after my fish house for 1 week as I was on holiday. On my day of return I found a tub of my high protein pellets that normally lasts about 6 weeks gone! :grr:
I had to do an emergency water change on my biggest tank which holds around 200 uk gallons! 50% water change, a bottle of AmmoLock and a bottle of Stress Coat seemed to help. This water change carried through until the early hours of the morning! :S
I then left the tank for 24 hrs with no feeding at all, followed by another 40% water change the day after. I did not feed for a further 5 days to give the filter bacteria and the fish time to recover. Luckily the sky high nitrite dropped.
No fish were lost even though they did look very poorly when I first looked at them.

I think most people over feed their fish and this includes me. :nod:

Looks like I will have to keep up with my water changes. :D
I don't overfeed... My bettas get 5-6 pellets a day, period.... well ok, the one by my bed gets one extra pellet before I go to sleep, but he's the only one :lol:
It seems like I overfeed on bottom-feeder wafers in my 10 gallon, because I feed 3 wafers a day and I only have 3 cories and 2 khulis, but if you watch the tank closely, you soon notice the snails! Tons and tons and tons of snails. I like them, so I feed extra wafers for them... and they definitely clean those suckers up, too!
Maybe its not all females that overfeed.... just mothers :lol:
When I left my mom with my tanks I measured precise amounts into daily pill containters then put the extra away. I feed once a day and skip one or two days per week. Except for my betta (the little beggar) he gets cross if I dont throw him a pellet or two at least twice a day. They also all get frozen food and veggies at least once a week.
I used to overfeed my fish.....till a few died from dropsy caused from too much protein from overfeeding!!

My fish get fed a small amount once a day, algae tab every second day and cucumber the days between the algae tabs (for the bnoses). They always look at me pleading for food...even just after their daily feed!!!

Once a week they go without food :p
well, if my mom gets her hands on fish food, she feed my goldfish every 5 minutes :crazy: i tell her once a day is already plenty, but she says "see, they are hungry again, why are you being so mean to only feed them once?" :blink:
I'm strong, and I don't think I do!

:flex: :flex: :flex: :flex: :flex: :flex: :flex: :flex: :flex:

I feed my puffers only a quatre of the frozen blood worm blocks (thats quite big anyway).

If I fed them anymore they would explode...and yet they still give me those eyes...

Little Beggars....
I have a feeling that I do overfeed but at the moment I am feeding twice a day because i have baby swordtails so if my other fish are kept stuffed with food they won't hunt Junior and his pals. I started with about 30 baby fish now I have 2 or three so I think they have been eaten. couldnt see any this morning.

Other than that I just give them a little pinch every evening and occasionally frozen bloodworms...probably about once a fortnight. probably could give it more often but its a lot of trouble to get it out of the freezer under all the other food we have in there.
oh dear i have to really restrain myself when feeding................it must be that mothering instinct or something!!! -_-
Dorkhedeos said:
well, if my mom gets her hands on fish food, she feed my goldfish every 5 minutes :crazy: i tell her once a day is already plenty, but she says "see, they are hungry again, why are you being so mean to only feed them once?" :blink:
We must be brothers!!!


I don't overfeed my fish, my roomate overfeeds his tank, and always asks "why so little? they're hungry" when he sees me feeding my fish, and my bf tends to overfeed a little, but he has gotten a lot better after I showed him the correct amount.

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