Byron Hoskins RIP

Can i read all the Byron's threads?
Start with this:
If you go to the search bar 🔎 on the top right of the page you can enter an area of interest such as mosses or gobies, then By: ‘Byron’.
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So sad. What is lovely is how much love there was on this forum for Byron and I think he knew how well he was regarded. Swim free in the afterlife .
Awwwwwh I’ve just noticed this.
I’ve not been on here these last few months so didn’t know things were so far on. RIP Byron.
His help, kindness and knowledge has made the lives of countless fish keepers and their fish easier and a lot more pleasant.
When I returned to fishkeeping for the first time in over 20yrs he and others on here helped me understand new knowledge, practices and equipment. Many thanks to both Byron and them from me and my fish.
This just happened and I wanted to share it here. I was using ChatGPT's deep research tool to do some research on the effects of keeping hardwater fish in soft water and vice versa. This was a couple of the results.



This was completely unprompted on my part. I didn't mention him at all. I just asked for generalized research and not only did ChatGPT recognize Byron as an expert, he was the only person that its research cited.

I do have to make a remark on this one. It's not completely correct when we talk about guppies. They thrive well in soft water if they are short finned and not large finned. I'm not speaking about specifically wild guppies but also about short finned breeding forms. The problem in soft water with large finned guppies is that their fin tissue is not as strong as in short finned guppies. With large finned guppies this will result in teared fin tissue (between the fin rays). And when it gets too bad, a guppy can not swim correctly anymore which can (most likely) lead to death.

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