Feeling Well And Truly Miffed.

I'm trying to find the ingredients in most white spot treatments! No salt added as of yet! In need of that too!!
You may be able to use table salt in very small amounts, have a look and see if there are any rubbish additives first. If there are, hold back and see if you can get some aquarium salt.
Yea I looked at that it's called low salt and has a anti caking agent which I'd imagine to be unsuitable entirely! Thanks for ur input!
Ah, that's a shame.
Good luck getting all the bits you need, but, you seem to be doing all the right stuff given what you have available right now, so my fingers are crossed!
fm1978 said:
Ah, that's a shame.
Good luck getting all the bits you need, but, you seem to be doing all the right stuff given what you have available right now, so my fingers are crossed!
I agree....hoping for the best !
Thanks guys he's seemed more active today and partner text me to say he'd see what he can do! I'm definitely sure that's what he has as in the dark I shone my phone on him And even in the bleak light it provided I could clearly see the rust patches! Hoping it won't be too late by the time I get him meds! I'll keep u posted! Also Wrang the pet shop and he said he has absolutely nothing in his tanks asif it's all down to me! Considering the evidence surely it's obvious it's advanced stages and wouldn't have occurred over night! And considering the fact they were kept in unheated tiny tanks.
Interpet brand does mytheline blue and their whitespot treatment contains malachite green (if I remember correctly for the whitespot one).

Mythelene blue, btw, affects the bacteria in the filter.
Oh lovely thank you!! I shall let my O/H know!!.
Whats the likely Hood of worse case scenario! Im hoping it's not too serious!!
Well my lovely boyfriend spent the money and bought home some rock salt, velvet & slime treatment and more dechlorinator! Having dinner then got to get the kids down, before dosing I thought I'd do a partial water change once the kids are out the way then will add half a table spoon of rock salt every 20 mins for 3 hours dosing with the treatment after the water change Also! Hopefully they'll be some improvement! Have seen him twitching abit but not major scratching! But havnt seen much of him under the towel!!
Well 25% water changed! Meds added and half a tablespoon of salt! Only another 2 Ana half to go!!! Little fella seems happy enough this Eve, even came out to inspect me pouring his fresh water in! Fingers crossed! Hopefully he makes it.
kazc31 said:
Well 25% water changed! Meds added and half a tablespoon of salt! Only another 2 Ana half to go!!! Little fella seems happy enough this Eve, even came out to inspect me pouring his fresh water in! Fingers crossed! Hopefully he makes it.
I sure hope so !!!!  I think he will
How often should I dose with salt? Just after a water change! The meds I bought mention nothing about water changes so I take it I leave it to do it's thing!!
I've never dosed salt, but seem to remember being told not to regularly dose the tank. as salt doesn't evaporate then repeated doses are going to increase salinity, then you'll need a hundred percent water change to remove it. can you not give him a salt bath rather than dose the tank?
I've already dosed the tank and he seems fine with it besides im pretty sure a salt bath would stress him further which is what I'm trying to avoid! Have done everything gradually! He didn't like me netting him in there (as hes new) Letalone chasing him all round the tank! Really doubt stressing him will help any further!! well I'm leaving the tank alone for the recommended time it takes for the meds to work then do a few daily water changes!

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