Feeling Well And Truly Miffed.


Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2013
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So now I think my new fish Nile has a dose of velvet!! I noticed him shuffling against the plastic sort of grass the pet shop had at the bottom of his tank but would then swim up and flare at the betta next to him so thought it was a sort of show! When I first placed him in there and would appear I noticed him doing it again by the glass but again thought it was a sort of show as could see his reflection! Today he's has been up and about but when I fed him he'd seem rather disinterested and eat very little! Just thought he'd still be abit weary! Tonight he's hanging about the top of the filter at the surface coming out once in awhile to have a scratch and keeps rubbing against the filter! I've no doubt over my water quality and my other fish had been fine living in my setup for over 3 months!! I've no way of getting to the pet shop as it's too far especially for by 4 year old son to walk and my partner doesn't finish work till late! Letalone having to much month at the end of the money! I've just seem to have had no such luck what with doing everything right and as best as I can! I've raised his temp and turned of the lights which is all I can do for now!!
Oh and in his pick u can see what looks like white spots but they're actually light blue shiny scales I'm now starting to wonder if these are loose due to his scratching!
It's really noticeable now! The slight yellow tinge near the gills and belly area!! Again thought it was coloration as in the light he has slightly yellow tinted fins am guessing it's the velvet!!


  • 2013-09-10 08.16.52-1.jpg
    2013-09-10 08.16.52-1.jpg
    23.7 KB · Views: 57
Oh I hope not....but sure sounds like the symptoms....is he alone in the tank?
Oh I don't know what to do! I mean what's his likely outcome? I'm guessing not good if I can't get any meds! Is there anything else that can be done?
No! I was wondering if I can manage to get my partner to stop off sharpish after work what medicine to use! Would white spot treatment work! I'll get him to get salt if he can to speed the process and aid him somewhat! Any more advice what's the likely Hood of survival with treatment even!
Will reef salt do they sell small packs in my nearest!?
From what I know.....and I hope someone with more expertise on this jumps in.....I believe aquarium salt and water changes for velvet.....if it's velvet.....wish I could help more!
I read the salt aids in the breathing and helps speed the process of the meds! Have read copper safe works best but none in my nearest shop! Can't really find much else! Read white spot medicine can be used but Dunno how effective!
No! Shops shut! Will have to be tomorrow!! Still hanging by the surface! All I can think to do for now is put a towel over his tank and turn up heat as much as possible!
Or as much as he'll withstand! Hopefully black out may help as heard photosynthesis aids the parasites!!
I'm not an expert on velvet, but it is always good to up water changes when you don't have another method to try at the time.  I also like to make sure I stock the basic meds at home just in case, as I too can't always get my hands immediately on meds when I need them (my shop doesn't always have the right ones).
You might want to also post in the emergency section so you get more attention and advice.
Thanks Yea I have done! Wondering if white spot treatment will battle it as my local I don't think stocks velvet meds!!
Hi there...had to look this up but here's a direct lift from wikipedia on treatment of velvet...
Sodium chloride is believed to mitigate the reproduction of Velvet, however this treatment is not itself sufficient for the complete eradication of an outbreak. Additional, common medications added directly to the fish's environment include copper sulfatemethylene blueformalinmalachite green and acriflavin, all of which can be found in common fish medications designed specifically to combat this disease. Additionally, because Velvet parasites derive a portion of their energy from photosynthesis, leaving a tank in total darkness for seven days provides a helpful supplement to chemical curatives. Finally, some enthusiasts recommend raising the water temperature of an infected fish's environment, in order to quicken the life cycle (and subsequent death) of Velvet parasites; however this tactic is not practical for all fish, and may induce immunocompromising stress.
Hello thanks for the help and even doing some research to help! I've raised the temp and put him in complete black out!! Am getting partner to stop off on way home this Eve! Don't think they sell velvet cure there pretty limited!! Will white spot treatment help! I've done as much research as possible but havnt found much out! Thanks for the help folks! He seems interested slightly in his food today but won't eat the pellets think his not fussed with them as he'll spit it out! How typical I forgot to dechlorinate my tank so dosed the entire thing! Have ran out now! Typical Hopefully partner can pick that up too!!
White spot treatment could well work, it is an anti parasitic after all. Does it contain any of the same 'ingredients' as mentioned in the wiki article?
Have you added salt as well yet?

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