Feeding Times?


Fish Crazy
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
What are the pros and cons for feeding once/twice a day? (other than your fish getting more fat from two feedings..and the obvious entertainment value of more feeding frenzies.)
con - more waste produced, more poop to clean out, higher nitrates

more poop = easier for growing of brown algae? My tank glasses needed to be cleaned due to those brown algae that keep coming back... :\

(Are those brown algae are in brown color and sticking on glasses but easily to remove by clothes/cotton/hands)

Anyway having 2 corydoras at the bottom while 8 danio hyper active when they 'sense' food, I don't quite dare to feed only 1 times per day in case those corydoras ate nothing...
Small juvenile fish or some species of fish require smaller amounts of food fed to them through the day. So twice a day or even more is better for them. Some adult fish don't need to be fed everyday. So, 1 a day feeding is OK.
pros - enjoying the feeding frenzie, extra nutrition for young and growing fish

con - more waste produced, more poop to clean out, higher nitrates

Hey, doesn't this depend more on HOW MUCH you feed than on how many times? I split my (carefully calculated) rations up into two feeds: how does that produce more poo than feeding the same rations in one go?

I think we need to be more specific about individual circumstances before pronouncing on generalities.

Some fish (particularly large predators) may only need eat once a week, but need to stuff their stomachs really full when they do eat. Feeding those once a day would be utterly inappropriate.

Others, like small livebearers, have very small stomachs and are naturally adapted to a more snacking lifestyle, which means they need to be fed more frequently, but cannot/should not eat so much in one go: that's why I feed mine twice a day (but small portions). I still do a fasting day once a week though.

edit: sorry, fishingforexotics, you just said the same thing

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