Feeding Questions


New Member
Sep 16, 2009
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So i have few questions about feeding times and amounts. I just announced that i picked up a few upside down catfish and i think that they'll wonderful :) however since these are my first fish i am a little unexperienced in how much i feed them and when. i know that you'll only supposed to give them food that they can gobble down in 15 minutes or so....but my guys are nocturnal and i can't really see them finish it.

also my three guys have three different personalities, one being expectionally brave (i see him even in the day) and i can tell he'll probably get fat cause he has no issues going out and about and eating. so because of him i don't really want to feed them during the day as he'll probably just eat all the food. i've settled on once a day before i go to bed. is this going to be enough?

in terms of amount, i was thinking of trying 1/4 teaspoon worth of flakes and see if there's too much flake garbage when i do a water change in a few days. if there is i would lessen the amount, but i don't want to starve them.

so any advice or opinions on what i plan on doing would be great. thnks!! :D

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