feeding fish?


Fish Crazy
Dec 13, 2003
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How often do u guys on here feed your fish is it nessisary every day ? how long can they survie with out food? i usually feed twice daily myself. :fun:
twice daily is fine..providing its a balanced diet (maybe frozen in morning and flakes at night) also its also healthy for fish to not eat once a day at all once a month. This may seem cruel but alows the fish to process and get rid of any bad things out of their system. Fish usually surive for a few days without food... however they usually start munching on algae and other food :) ;)
I feed mine once to 2 x daily. I haven't done fasting yet since i always have pregnant guppies and i have babie cories right now and they need their nutrition to grow. but i heard once in awhile its god to faste them. It cleans out their waste and makes your tank cleaner.
No probs... btw snow what do you feed your young... I use the good old egg (packed full of protein) now what you do is get an egg (chicken ;) ) and then boil it...peel it and get about 1-1.5 grain worth of egg yolk and put it on a spoon add a bit of water mush it about and put in tank your babies shoudl absolutely love it and it should help them grow quicker and bigger and stronger ;)
Kossy said:
... btw snow what do you feed your young... I use the good old egg (packed full of protein) now what you do is get an egg (chicken ;) ) and then boil it...peel it and get about 1-1.5 grain worth of egg yolk and put it on a spoon add a bit of water mush it about and put in tank your babies shoudl absolutely love it and it should help them grow quicker and bigger and stronger ;)
wow I'm gonna try that(my guppy should be having fry again this month)!!
Where did you come up with that idea about an egg?? Mine get fed what their parents get, except in way smaller forms: powdered flakes and crunched tubifex worms. The fry will also be in moss and i guess they could eat that too if they wanted(their moms sure like the stuff) :p
Hi keeper-of-fish :)

I think there is no set rule for how often to feed the fish. Usually, I'll feed them when I turn the lights on, then again at sometime during the early evening. My fry get fed every few hours just like human babies. And just before turning the lights out I drop in some spirulina disks or shrimp pellets for the corydoras.

Be cautious feeding the egg yolk. I tried it with the cory fry and found that uneaten food got moldy very quickly. It was hard to get out of the tank because it was on the bottom of the tank where the fry were. I think it might work out better for gouramis or other fish who will eat it while it is floating at the top of the tank.
I feed my community tanks once a day, my breeders twice, and my fry 3-4 depending on their size and numbers. The community tanks get "fasting days" usually once every two weeks.
Yes try the egg...i give it 100% guarantee ohh yeah forgot to add i think ONLY once a day and ONLY 1-1.5 grain worths not any more or you will pollute your tank :p ;)
I have been feeding mine a lot lately (the problem with live foods, they go bad) but I have no problem letting my goldfish go for a week at a time without food. I guess I should point out that they are outside and in a container that has algae and other stuff able to fall into it. One of those goldfish is at least 3 years old at this point and going strong. I have a buddy who will feed his fish every few days, sometimes more sometimes less. Even with the sparse feedings he feeds less per meal then most people feed daily or more. The fish do fine. He went for three weeks without feeding one cichlid, I had to give him some (poop) at that point and just fed it myself. But I guarentee most people feed their fish more then twice as much as they need, or is even necessarily healthy for them. Yes I am overfeeding my fish, but it is fun watching them eat

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