Feeding Fish


New Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Ok I have a little frog I dont know what kind he is, (hes the size of a quarter, legs and all)
And the guy at the pet store told me to feed him a cube of blood worms twice a week. But when i put the cube in, the fish start getting to it and eat most of it, My frog gets some when they fall to the bottom, but it doesnt seem like enough.

For my fishes, I have 4 (two guppies) (two mollies). I feed them twice a day.. but im not sure im feeding them enough, because when there done eating, there still at the top searching, and my mollies start getting really aggrestive, and they chase eachother away from the surface of the water.

Any feeding intructions? Ideas?
Ok I have a little frog I dont know what kind he is, (hes the size of a quarter, legs and all)
And the guy at the pet store told me to feed him a cube of blood worms twice a week. But when i put the cube in, the fish start getting to it and eat most of it, My frog gets some when they fall to the bottom, but it doesnt seem like enough.

For my fishes, I have 4 (two guppies) (two mollies). I feed them twice a day.. but im not sure im feeding them enough, because when there done eating, there still at the top searching, and my mollies start getting really aggrestive, and they chase eachother away from the surface of the water.

Any feeding intructions? Ideas?

Your frog is most likely an African Dwarf Frog or "ADF" when I had them I would feed them sinking pellets made for frogs. The fish would eat a few but there was always enough for the frogs as well. I would suggest looking into those sinking pellets and they work great if you intend to keep cories or crabs also :good: With the food you have already I would probably cut your cube into pieces and try to put a piece where your frog is, then the other piece by where the fish are. it might distract them long enough for him to get a couple bites in.
I feed my fish flakes everyday and ADF and fish bloodworms every other day is tht 2 much? I get that problem to when i feed the bloodworms! So i just wait till the frog is out and about and try and get the fish out the way by putting a few bloodworms at the other side then quickly drop some more in for the frog
I dont think that is too much. I feed my pregnant swordtail twice a day and the others once, sometimes twice a day and I like to feed live bloodworms as well. I wouldnt say that's too much. Some fish will eat and eat and never stop so you havec to have to be a little careful how much you feed but as long as their isnt a whole lot of extra you should be fine.
I sometimes wonder if I feed mine too much. I feed them twice a day, pellets for my betta (he loves em) and flakes for the others, they also eat some of the pellets. I do blood worms every 3 days. I put a cucumber slice in for my pleco also. The betta sometimes nibbles on it too :p
I think feeding fish twice a day is too much. They say the fish's eye is the size of it's stomach and to feed less rather than more. Fish don't stuff themselves in the wild and they don't eat large amounts of food all at once either. They would eat and eat and eat if you let them, so I don't think you should feel bad if they are still looking for more, it's just their instinct, because in the wild they are constantly looking for food, because it is scarce. :rolleyes:
I feed my fish every other day.....even my little tank(juwel rekord 60) They all do fine!! I just make sure they get a full variety of food stuffs........cucumber,peas,prawns,flake,catfish pellets etc
I feed my fish flakes twice a day, should i feed them bloofd worms every so often or not worry

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