fedder fish

how many people keep feeder fish

  • yes, i do only cos i have to

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yes, i enjoy raising fish for food

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no, its a stupid thing to do

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
i only have goldfish as feeder fish cause i have to what with having quite big catfish BUT they have dead as well
I voted no, but I don't think it's stupid. Some fish actually do need live fish for food, but I don't own any of those. I do think it is kind of cruel that they live in those little tiny tanks with 100's of them in at once, though.
I dont think its cruel if you have fish who need a varied diet. Especially since lfs feeders can spread disease. The only other option is to breed the feeders yourself.
sorry i put the "no,its a stupid thing to do" but i couldnt think of anything else to write at the time :huh: .( shows how smart i am)thanks for all the votes i didnt think that id get that many in a day. sorry if i made a mistake, but just vote no if you disagree, but dont think its stupid
Actually the whole argument is hypocritical. You can say "no feeder fish are wrong" However look at your flak food the first ingredient in most of them if "fish meal" which is fish that are ground up. Or for that matter how many say no to feeder fish but will feed brine shrimp? It's the same thing isn't it?

Or are you drawing the line at "cute" is it wrong for me to feed ghost shrimp to my oscar that some people keep as pets? I don't think so. so if it's fish that are ground up for flak food or shrimp that are frozen alive for brine shrimp cubes or blood worms that are frozen alive. vs. a 2 cent commet goldfish or the feeder guppies I don't really see the distinction.
Aqua_Princess64 said:
I voted no, but I don't think it's stupid. Some fish actually do need live fish for food, but I don't own any of those. I do think it is kind of cruel that they live in those little tiny tanks with 100's of them in at once, though.
I don't think anyone is debating the living conditions of most feeder setups. That part is bad but the fact that those fish will be food isn't.

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