Favourite Books


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Jan 17, 2002
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My favourite books would have to be My family and other animals by Gerald Durrell and Children of the New Forest by Captain Marryat.
How about you?
I am a big fan of Robin Hobb
and especially her Farseer trilogy.
I would highly recomend then to anyone.

I also have a liking of Jasper Fford and his Thursday Next books
starting with The Ayer Affair.
All time favorites, books I've read over and over again:
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Midnight is a Place by Joan Aiken
The Boy Who Reversed Himself by William Sleator

They're all "young readers" books I know, favorites from childhood, but they were great books that I plan to share with my kids someday.

And when I need a little light reading, my current favorite author is Janet Evanovich, fun books, easy reads.
My favourite books would have to be My family and other animals by Gerald Durrell

Had to do that at school and I hated it to the extent that when clearing out my grans ouse following her death and I found 2 copies, I had to bin them.

Favourite recent book is probably The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, I think my all time favourite is probably The Hobbit.

My favouite books are by Thomas Harris. The Hanibal Lecter series.
Although not exactly a film I am really into the TV series Lost. Cant wait for the next installments to be screened.
My favourites are the medieval whodunnits by Paul Doherty.Loads of murders and great descriptions of medieval life.Mind you Im usually quite happy with any book as long as someone gets murdered in the first chapter :eek:
Clan of the Cave Bear
Valley of the Horses
The Mammoth Hunters
The Plains of Passage
Shelters of Stone

by Jean M. Auel

Anything medical or even better.....medico-legal. I also like psychological thrillers.

ATM I am reading a book called A Million Little Pieces by James Frey.....it caused issues with Oprah Winfrey which is what attraqcted me to it.....fantastic book so far....
Mine would probably have to be "The Price" by Machiavelli, thats something i can read over and over and hardly get sick of.
A Million Little Pieces by James Frey
Is that the book by the guy who was a heroin addict and the story is about his experiences? I read an extract of it in the Times a while back and thought it looked quite good. Whats it like?
Wasn't there something recently though that he had been exposed as a fraud or something?

Mine would have to be;
'The Sleep Book' by Dr Seuss,
The first two 'His Dark Materials' (Northern Lights & Subtle Knive)
or pretty much anything by Fred Forsythe.

Although have just started reading Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and is almost un-putter-downable at the mo!

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