Favorite Tetra?

for sheer looks as a shoal, i would say a large shoal of neon tetras does the job


bentos tetra looks good, reaches a reasonable size (without being huge) and are quite excitable, especially with bloodworms!
you can tell they are related to pirhanas!
Astyanax mexicanus - Blind Cave Tetra (Eyeless Mexican Tetra)

Mostly just a novelty because of their lack of eyes, always caught my attention, pretty active for not seeing...
i would agree with fifefish congo's are stunnin and are somewhat a differemt apearence to most tetras i also like black skirt tetras aswell
My current favorite is the Colombian tetra. I like its larger size and bright red fins. It's a good break from the typical 1.5" fish. :D
in a big shoal cardinals but just as a fish i lovee congos as they look great plus are a decent size
neon tetra.Paracheirodon innesi

for there tight shoaling abitlies, and when there shoaling avery change in direction shows a different spectrum of colour from there iredescent stripes
king blue tetra, simply for the fact that when the light shines on them, they flash electric blue and cos they're really playful and always look really happy :)
My current favorite is the Colombian tetra. I like its larger size and bright red fins. It's a good break from the typical 1.5" fish. :D

i recently saw some of these at a lfs, they were beutiful!
i want some, but since they get bigger, is a shoal of only 4 possible?
i have a 30g tank with 6 lemons and 9 serpaes.
I love the Black Widow, probably because it was the 1st shoal of really good tetra I had. Absolutely amazing size they were, not like the small ones you see at LFS everyday. They all had real character to them aswell. They would patrol the tank like a bunch of Hells Angels but did not get any aggression towards other species at all.

Look fantastic when colour is deep black and watching them eat is hilarious when they get greedy, put too much in their mouth and then spit it out!!
got to be congo tetras there amazing fish they look so wild ..like they have came stright from the amazon river :rolleyes:

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