Crenuchus spilurus, ( sail fin tetras ) my journey...

So I'm not seeing any white edges on the fins... so it's looking like I have a group of females, or maybe immature enough, no color yet on the dorsals???

little blip of their tank, & eating last night here...

well these guys all love blood worms... shrimp cocktail tonight... even got to see a jumbo cardinal tetra eat a whole bloodworm...
looks like it's going to burst, but got the whole thing down...


here even a jumbo Amano shrimp is eating a blood worm
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I take back the "lack of white edges to the dorsal comment" above... I think I have one that doesn't hang out in the shoal of mixed tetras, that may be a male... it seems to hang deeper into the root tangles, or I saw it checking out the new resin hollow log, I just added , that the coffeefola is planted out of it...
these guys are growing rapidly... this is one of the bigger ones, just above a mature palmeri, at 1st light this morning
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sail fins gobbling up flake food this morning, so feeding them has been no problem
something for everyone.... this morning, each tank got a staple food mix of a little Bug Bites, a little Ultra Fresh Micro Pellets, and a little color / algae mix flake food I use, and the sail fins aggressively ate all 4 they are growing, and competing with the rest of the tetras ( they do give the 2 mature palmeri, and the male raccoon some respect, but there are no negative interactions with either of those 3 fish, or with the mature Zebra Lace Angel, or Spotted Silver Dollar, that are also in the tank... all in all, they fit nicely into this tank...
I noticed one of the larger sail fins, was rippling it's dorsal fin, like it was showing off, this morning, before feeding time... assume that one is a juvenal male...

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