Fave Fish

I have a new 20 gallon tank, and I got six Silver-tip tetra's - they were fiesty little buggers! When I got my 2nd fish, Platy's, they were so calm and peacful.... ahh....
A random q. that has nothing to do with fave fish-
Is "Platy" pronounced Play-Tea, or Plat-ey? I always said it Play-Tea, but have herd a few people say Plat-ey?????

I have a new 20 gallon tank, and I got six Silver-tip tetra's - they were fiesty little buggers! When I got my 2nd fish, Platy's, they were so calm and peacful.... ahh....
A random q. that has nothing to do with fave fish-
Is "Platy" pronounced Play-Tea, or Plat-ey? I always said it Play-Tea, but have herd a few people say Plat-ey?????


I pronounce it with an 'a' not an 'ay'. As in platy rhymes with fatty.

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