Fave Fish

i would love to try catfish again, but after my panda corys kept getting sick, im afraid too. i think i may just go buy a bunch of ghost shrimp and stick to them as my bottom dwellers

panda corys are probably the weakest cory you can get! try some peppered or bronze ones or something :)

ooh, the bronze look pretty, but i sorta like the spotted cory catfish
My favorites are any kind of corydoras. :)

C. robinae:
i would love to try catfish again, but after my panda corys kept getting sick, im afraid too. i think i may just go buy a bunch of ghost shrimp and stick to them as my bottom dwellers

panda corys are probably the weakest cory you can get! try some peppered or bronze ones or something :)

ooh, the bronze look pretty, but i sorta like the spotted cory catfish

get some sterba's, but if too expensive try a few leopard ones out. They make a great addition to a small substrate tank
My favorites are any kind of corydoras. :)

C. robinae:
i love that cory, very pretty

i would love to try catfish again, but after my panda corys kept getting sick, im afraid too. i think i may just go buy a bunch of ghost shrimp and stick to them as my bottom dwellers

panda corys are probably the weakest cory you can get! try some peppered or bronze ones or something :)

ooh, the bronze look pretty, but i sorta like the spotted cory catfish

get some sterba's, but if too expensive try a few leopard ones out. They make a great addition to a small substrate tank

they are both very pretty corys, im gonna have to check my petstores. they both dont have ALL the fish on their website that that they have in the store
Boy, everyone loves Cory's...

One more thing. I love Oscar's! I had a Oscar named Trudy, and I have to say she was amazing. She loved food; I would hand feed her, and she would let me pet her. She live in a 100 gallon tank with a Bala Shark named Bob, and they were good friends. Trudy got hole in the head when she was ten, and passed away when she was almost eleven.
So sad :angry: .
Of all my fish, I have to say I loved Trudy the best :shifty:


P.S. she was a beutiful Albino Long-finned Tiger Oscar, by the way :good:

Personally i can't stand corys. I think they're fat, ugly and swim like they have no flexibility.

But my favourite fish has to be the L25 Scarlet Plec - Its the fish i want most currently, and i will have one some day :hey:
Verminator, you must be the only person in this forum who dosn't like Corys! :look: Just kidding, i'm teasing. I just randomly said that because almost everyone said they like Cory's :lol: Actually, bout the first thing, I actually don't really like Cory's myselfe..... :look:

Zophie :good:
What kind of fish are you fave's?

As for me, I think I would have to say Betta's or German Blue Ram's... :unsure:

Well, what about you?


Got to be Clown loaches!

Smart intelligent and beautiful tiger stiped colouration, and all with individual personalities, a fascinating fish to observe!
Once established in the aquarium they are far more hardy and disease resistant than many would have you believe, I have one Clown loach (out of 4) which I have had for about 10 years now and it is still as happy and heathy as ever.
What kind of fish are you fave's?

As for me, I think I would have to say Betta's or German Blue Ram's... :unsure:

Well, what about you?


Got to be Clown loaches!

Smart intelligent and beautiful tiger stiped colouration, and all with individual personalities, a fascinating fish to observe!
Once established in the aquarium they are far more hardy and disease resistant than many would have you believe, I have one Clown loach (out of 4) which I have had for about 10 years now and it is still as happy and heathy as ever.

i had a clown loach and i put him in my bigger tank and something happened to him. it looked like he had brain damage, he'd swim straight up (he was straight up) slowly around the tank and he never ate and never ran away from the net. im scared to get another :sad:
i had a clown loach and i put him in my bigger tank and something happened to him. it looked like he had brain damage, he'd swim straight up (he was straight up) slowly around the tank and he never ate and never ran away from the net. im scared to get another :sad:

Hmmm, not too sure what is up with your Clown Loach.
A heathy happy clown loach will be active and very greedy and excited when it comes to feeding time!

I would say though that Clown Loaches need to be in groups of at least 4 to thrive, and they need plenty of hiding places and generally don't appreciate too much tank furniture movement........perhaps when you moved him from your old tank he got stressed that he could no longer locate his favourite cave or previous hide out?
Also check your tank lighting.....Clown Loaches generally prefer subdued lighting.....your bigger tank may have different lighting properties than your Clown Loach was previously use to.

I would seriously consider getting him a least 2 or 3 other clown loaches to keep him company though!
I think that clown loach has since departed judging by the use of past tense. My c/l's are out in bright lighting but I am currently taken with my new tiger loaches. One comes right to the front glass already. :hyper:
it is dead, and i think my bro may have hurt his brain. we couldnt catch him with the net and i left to get get the new plants and cave my new aquarium and i come to my brother sticking his hand in and grabbing it and running to my new aquarium
Oscars or Severums for personality (and beauty!), Rainbowfish for their beautiful shimmery selves, bichirs and plecs as they are just so dopey :lol:

Couldn't pick one favourite, all my fish have differences that I love :good:

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