Fave Fish

Oh, also, Khuli Loach's, Bala Sharks, and ROPE FISH!!! I LOVE Rope fish (a.k.a. Reedfish) :hyper:
Ropefish are pretty amazing when you have a group of 5 or so. Their interactions with one another are so funny.

I like any large cichlid to be fair - they have so much personality. Mine knows when its me approaching the tank, and he paces the tank. As soon as i pick up his big yellow tub of pellets he starts flaring at me :p
I have too many to really pick one. Jethro my common pleco is still top of the list as he is just so sloppy and loves to be petted. My Texas as just so funny and beautiful, all my severums are characters, my oscars are just wonderful and so cute. My geophagus are just gorgous. The clown loach are creaping up the list although they have made my boys cry. The other morning there was a blood curdling howl from the front room as I was doing their breakfast and both came running into the kitchen sobbing, it too a few minutes for me to understand what they were saying through sobbing till I finally heard tiger fishes all dead (they call the clown loach tiger fish they are only 5 & 3) I went into the front room as sure enough all 5 clowns were flat on their sides in a heap at the front of the tank. I just started to laugh as I had to explain to the boys thats how they like to sleep. Soon as I turned on the lights and got the food tub out all 5 zoomed up and down the tank like loonies :lol:
Good god Lesley, i panicked then. I, for a split second, thought they'd died. Haha, yes i perhaps should have mentioned they "play dead" more than any clown loach i've seen before. The amount of fretting i did when i first had them haha, and seems like they've fooled your kids already. Easy mistake to make i suppose, especially when they are as young as your kids are.

Have you got them handfeeding yet? The two smaller 2 of the 5 would be the first to try, seeing as i had them hand feeding before i introduced the other 3, then they stopped :(
I knew clowns could sleep in odd places, and play dead but this 5 seem to not really care where they sleep. I have a branch of wood in the tank and one of the smaller ones fits into the bend so snug I sometimes think I should get him a little blanket :lol: When I am putting in bloodworm the 2 littleones come straight upto the top, the others are getting closer, gravel vaccing is fun with them :S they dont seem to understand "oi shift"
Yes i had a big peice of wood that formed an L shape, in the corner of the L there was a big gaping hole that had a little intricate cave inside, my original two used to ram themselves into it so far i thought i would have to cut the wood to get them out, but they always came out. Yes they often sleep flat on their sides anywhere in the tank. Water changes were always fun. Its always the smaller two that are more inquisitive and fun, but during water changes i use a big gravel syphon and they love swimming up and having a nosy inside the tube as i'm moving it about. Always makes me laugh when they swim in formation up and down the glass when they know they are going get food, always amusing :)
I'm new to fish but I like the Desert gobies , They are very hardy and less likely to die than fancey gold fish (Im just guessing ) .Iv heard they are fun to watch and I like the colour on there tails .

Does anyone have any picturs on here?
As soon as I read my first book on aquaria, I fell in love with the Siamese Fighting Fish, and vowed I'd have one eventually. I now have a rather lovely one, coloured midnight blue, named Velvet.

I like my bronze corys, they have characterful faces.

I also like guppies for the way they shimmer as they swim, and may well get some one day, but my tank is now full.
Hi Zophie

I love my short-bodied pink convicts! :wub: They are such funny, feisty little fish - beautiful to look at and loads of fun. Never fail to keep me amused with their antics!

Haven't posted pics in ages so will give it a try here... hope it works! Click on the link...


It's a pic of George, my eldest male whom I purchased with his female mate, Mildred, a few years ago. They have since then produced fry on a regular basis (like every 2-3 weeks) but out of the hundreds they have had over the years, they have only ever allowed a few from one large batch to survive to adulthood. Some others have lasted 6-8 weeks but then been eaten. Just as well really, otherwise I'd be over-run with them! They are in two tanks at present.

SBPC's remain fairly small in size - although males are larger than the females, reaching up to 3" and some of the females are only one and a half inches in length.

Easy to care for too, never had sickness in either of their tanks. They are a real pleasure to watch!

Regards - Athena

ps - I also love Bettas, GBRs (have had these in the past) and...Corys (Sterbai) :lol:
Hi Zophie

I love my short-bodied pink convicts! :wub: They are such funny, feisty little fish - beautiful to look at and loads of fun. Never fail to keep me amused with their antics!

Haven't posted pics in ages so will give it a try here... hope it works! Click on the link...


It's a pic of George, my eldest male whom I purchased with his female mate, Mildred, a few years ago. They have since then produced fry on a regular basis (like every 2-3 weeks) but out of the hundreds they have had over the years, they have only ever allowed a few from one large batch to survive to adulthood. Some others have lasted 6-8 weeks but then been eaten. Just as well really, otherwise I'd be over-run with them! They are in two tanks at present.

SBPC's remain fairly small in size - although males are larger than the females, reaching up to 3" and some of the females are only one and a half inches in length.

Easy to care for too, never had sickness in either of their tanks. They are a real pleasure to watch!

Regards - Athena

ps - I also love Bettas, GBRs (have had these in the past) and...Corys (Sterbai) :lol:
mmmmm... yes, I love pink convicts. They are so pretty! I had a few a year ago, and they were awsome. I see you have alot from your profile...:)
Koi Swordtails hands down. I love the sharp color contrast that they have plus they are extremely fast swimmers.
Love clown loaches. I wish mine weren't so shy so I could watch them more.
Bettas are also a favorite.
And I really love rams as well. German and Bolivian. Lots of personality and peaceful. Great combo :D
Oh and I really love bumblebee gobies as well. I just wish they weren't so hard to feed.

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