Far Cry - 11/10/09 - Nothing New

ok gill i may want this but wont know till my birthday which is on the 13 so can i let you know then but i may want this

also gill how big is the light and the filter

as i have a azoo light already and a azoo hob so would you be interested in selling seperate eg just the tank
ok gill i may want this but wont know till my birthday which is on the 13 so can i let you know then but i may want this

also gill how big is the light and the filter

as i have a azoo light already and a azoo hob so would you be interested in selling seperate eg just the tank

OK No Probs, It Comes with the Azoo Mignon 60 and red Firefly light unit. Don't know the dimensions. Yep I can do the tank on its own. Would just be £5 for it.
5 inc postage if so i deffinatly want this might just have to wait till my birthday depends if i can persaude the parents to pay early
5 inc postage if so i deffinatly want this might just have to wait till my birthday depends if i can persaude the parents to pay early

No Worries, Yeah £5 including Postage. I only Paid £4 quid for them complete (Bankrupt Azoo Supplier). Wish I had Bought more of them, as he Had 1-5G Azoo Kits.
yeah ive got the 3 gallon curvy glass mirrord back one

but love the way youve done yours i want to give it a go

i know its saad but im so excited about this scape it should be fun and i deffinatly want the tank

and 4 pounds what a steal also could i have the dimensions so i can start looking for wood
Its 6Inch Square
Time for some Pix.

The Turkey Baster is waht I use for Water Changes and Sucking up dirt/debris.



What I Use as a Lid for this, Clear Cd Cover.

Sole Remaining Male HF Gold

Cherry Shrimp

One of the Betta Fry


Tiger Lotus growing Nicely.
awsome i cant wait thats if you will still sell that is
Fissidens Fontanus arrived this afternoon so could not wait to make it into a wall.


Plain Green Scouring Sheet - Cut to Size (Made sure it contained no detergetns or Perfume)

Rubber Coated Paper Clips to attach the Sheet


Ok To start with I teased it apart with tweezers to place onto the Sheet (making sure that the sheet was Waterlogged to keep the Fontanus Moist)

Once I was happy with the placement of the fontanus. I began the slow task of sewing it onto the sheet using green cotton therad(best match i could find in the wife's sewing box).


Once Happy, Did a water change on the cube and Moved the plants around so that i could fit this into place.
Once happy, filled the tank back up and Viola.





Paper Clips showing will be left as they are, as not seen from where i sit.
OMG, Just noticed some Itsy Bitsy Shrimplets in the Moss Balls.
awsome can you get pics or are they to small
Managed to get a pic, that just about shows the i have been watching on the tiny peice of bogwood.

Excuse the mess, had fed them algae from the daphnia tank so needs siphoning.
OMG, So Lucky.
Decided to go round Gallagher Retail and Apply for any Vacancies in the stores there.
And Popped into P@H, Well Found one Pot of Nana Petite, Chain Sword and Got a Nice big pot of Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis (brazilian Micro Sword) for Free. And Also found they are now selling Scarlet Badis for only 3.99 so got one of those to try out in the Cube.

The Badis Spends most of his/her time next to the fissidens wall.






wow that fish is awsome are they ok in these tanks long term

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