Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Been Months since I have scaped a tank at home.
Have been Itching to start another Pico Scape at home.
Was torn Between doing a FW Planted or SW Frag Tank.
Found a Lovely Peice of Nano Bogwood and took a Hammer and Chisel to it. And made some nice peices.
This is a 1g Azoo Reef Blue Acrylic Tank:
Filter Azoo Mignon 60
Lighting Firefly 9Watt
NO heating as not required for Fauna
Heterandria Formosa "Gold" - Arriving next Week.
A Few Snails
Maybe Some Cherry Shrimp or CRS.
I had intended to Plant this with A Lovely Large Pot of HC, but it had been sold when i went to get it this afternoon from Pets@Home. So I am After some.
Also Going to be using Anubuas Nano Petite.
Have been Itching to start another Pico Scape at home.
Was torn Between doing a FW Planted or SW Frag Tank.
Found a Lovely Peice of Nano Bogwood and took a Hammer and Chisel to it. And made some nice peices.
This is a 1g Azoo Reef Blue Acrylic Tank:
Filter Azoo Mignon 60
Lighting Firefly 9Watt
NO heating as not required for Fauna
Heterandria Formosa "Gold" - Arriving next Week.
A Few Snails
Maybe Some Cherry Shrimp or CRS.
I had intended to Plant this with A Lovely Large Pot of HC, but it had been sold when i went to get it this afternoon from Pets@Home. So I am After some.
Also Going to be using Anubuas Nano Petite.