Far Cry - 11/10/09 - Nothing New


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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Been Months since I have scaped a tank at home.
Have been Itching to start another Pico Scape at home.
Was torn Between doing a FW Planted or SW Frag Tank.

Found a Lovely Peice of Nano Bogwood and took a Hammer and Chisel to it. And made some nice peices.

This is a 1g Azoo Reef Blue Acrylic Tank:
Filter Azoo Mignon 60
Lighting Firefly 9Watt
NO heating as not required for Fauna
Heterandria Formosa "Gold" - Arriving next Week.
A Few Snails
Maybe Some Cherry Shrimp or CRS.

I had intended to Plant this with A Lovely Large Pot of HC, but it had been sold when i went to get it this afternoon from Pets@Home. So I am After some.
Also Going to be using Anubuas Nano Petite.




Hey Gill! Great to see another scape from you! Looking forward to the pico. Some fine work with the hammer and chisel there. :good:
Awesome, liking the wood arrangement.
I'm not into pico's much, but I believe they are all about the illusion in size, so surely smaller gravel would make the wood appear larger...To me the gravel doesn't look quite right with it.
However, reading the post again you're getting hemianthus (sp) B-) , in which case the gravel will be completely covered?
I have a small amount of HC and pogostemon helferi (this would look nice in there too, could even replace the hc imo) in one of my nano's, but a sneaky night snail has eaten much of it and the fact a bulb broke doesn't help.
Keep the pics coming.
Sometimes it is a struggle getting Hemianthus species to stay put in a very fine substrate. It can float up. Very annoying. You've got to find the fine line between fine-grain gravel which is just right and a gravel grain that is too big that will not allow the Hemianthus roots to push through. Sand works, you just have to be patient with the planting.

At least that has been my experience, but I have also grown HC well in sand. If Hemianthus is used, like you said, the substrate will be covered and scale will be maintained.

Ahh yes, added to the fact the light blew and I had a very hungry snail, I also misplaced some when water changing...After planting it in eco complete with tweezers.
That REALLY annoyed me :lol: Especially when it floated into the dwarf riccia...Missing forever :sly:Sorry for the high jack, just realised the was on journals.Can remove it if you want :good:
Thanks Guys, I have Decided against HC for Now as got some Xmas Moss from "Murphee". Will Divide it up and let it grow on the substrate.
However you know me guys and my Scapes always Change. I may end up getting some Moss Balls and Splitting them into a Carpet.
A Little Shot to show the Size of the Tank
BTW, I have tiny Hands so it still is Big in Comparison.
I agree with the above comment about the wood. It looks fab!

However I definitely would have gone for a finer substrate, probably aquatic soil or sand. Just because once it's filled and you did a 'full tank shot' it would probably all look more in proportion.

But eitherways it looks great! :)
I agree with the above comment about the wood. It looks fab!

However I definitely would have gone for a finer substrate, probably aquatic soil or sand. Just because once it's filled and you did a 'full tank shot' it would probably all look more in proportion.

But eitherways it looks great! :)

I could have bought some Playsand, but had a bag of this left over, from when I had this setup at work.
Which Remids me, I cannot remember what I did with the Fish from that scape. I hope they are still not in my Box of work stuff in the Garage, Must go an Check

Looking really good gill, love the wood :good: :)

My god you have got small hands lol :p

Thanks, I was very pleased with how the Wood Split apart. Thanks for the Free Bogwood Josh(MA Harlestone)

Pfft I wear Kiddy Size gloves and they are still Loose, but tiny hands are good for scaping Pico tanks.
I could have bought some Playsand, but had a bag of this left over, from when I had this setup at work.
Which Remids me, I cannot remember what I did with the Fish from that scape. I hope they are still not in my Box of work stuff in the Garage, Must go an Check

Lol, :rolleyes: Very funny.
Although I did read somewhere on here awhile back that someone had cleaned out a tank and left like just under an inch of water in the tank and a bit of gunk. And then come to clean it out to re-use it and had found an amano shrimp. Still alive n kicking!

I was like :hyper: Tough little guy. :D
What is the blue thing in the tank in the pic with your hand btw? Is that a betta? It looks teeny.
Yeah That Is my Thai Import, He is in there till the other inhabitants Arrive.
He is now Fully Grown Short Body HM
Hmm, not sure I agree with the 'short body' bettas. But each to their own I guess, so long as the fish is healthy and well looked after.
He's certainly got an impressive tail! :)

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