Fantails very sick


New Member
Jun 22, 2005
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I have a new 25L tank whcih completed cycling and has housed 2 very small fantails for about 3 weeks.

Recently the fins on one got black streaks and now both are not very active and are lying on the bottom of the tank.

I have been changing 25% of the water every 2 to 3 days and have now increased this to daily.

I tested the water and it was No2=0, No3=0, GH=16, KH=15 and Ph=8.4

Can my problem be down to the high Ph? What can I do about it?

Any suggestions? thanks
One more think - we've had very hot weather here and recently the water went up to 80F. It's now down to 74F. Might this have triggered my problem?
The main thing is do you have an airstone? with high temps i would suggest adding more oxygen and hopefully this will bring them around.
the black streaks are probably ammonia burns which are now healing and take a few weeks to clear up.
Just added another airstone today so maybe that will help.

I had a hunch they might be amonia burns. I read somewhere that amonia is not just caused by waste but also from chlorine in tap water. If that is the case maybe I should increase the amount of safe guard I add during all these water changes?
Your tank isn't big enough and goldfish are big waste producers, you can change all the water you wan't but you will never get good water quality, you need at least a 20gal tank, with an excellent filter.
Its true the tank is too small as wilder has said and you will be constantly doing water changes. the ph is fine for goldies.
Granted the tank will be too small when they grow but how can it be too small now with only two very small fish? The fish shop has about 25-30 in a tank this size.
The ph is nothing to worry about, but you will be worrying when your ammonia level and nitrites level raise, and it won't be long as the filter won't be good enough either in that tank.

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