External Filters....need Some Questions Answered.

Can I ask....the Eheim external filter you are referring to...I see a few.

Is it the Eheim Classic External Filter?

I see the professional heated one there too, but that would be a bit outside my budget.
Hi Laz,

I don't recommend the heated versions of the Eheim Pros, only because I got very excited about them and was going to get one, but did a lot of research and found out (actually indirectly from an eheim distribution station) that the sensors they use for the thermostats have a problem with messing up if there is even a little bit of salt in the water. Now I don't ever plan to use salt, but there might be the time when I might want to use it as a treatment for a period or something, so this bothered me enough to switch away from the heater/"thermo" versions.

What I did instead was to use a Hydor inline heater that is inserted in the output tube from the external cannister filter. You slice the output tube and insert each end on the heater so the filtered return water passes through a glass chamber inside the Hydor and gets heated before it shoots out the spraybar and mixes throughout the tank. One of the main benefits is aesthetic, since there is no visible heater inside the tank spoiling the natural aquascape. It has worked very well.

The filter I use is an Eheim Pro, model 2222 external cannister. I was concerned about noise and RDD and many of the members who are in the hardware section helped me research this a lot and the result has been awesome for me. The thing is so silent I sometimes can't even feel vibration with my hand, much less hear anything, and yet when I lift the spraybar, there's a torrent of water coming out. Of course I can't speak to how long parts will last as I've only been using it a little over a year. When I did interact with Eheim to get some supplies early on, they arrived on my doorstep the next morning after my order. I am an advocate of lubricating all "O"-Rings at every monthly maintenance and taking the time to ensure they are placed back in position carefully after this maintenance.

Prior to this my experiences have only been with AquaClear HOB type filters, which were good for me, and then, going way back, I used every variation of the little clear plastic box filters that only had floss and carbon in them (in the 1960s, LOL)... I can not stress enough how lucky we are that those days are over!!! A cannister filter is light-years better than those old things.

So from the above it should be clear I do not have direct experience with TetraTeks, Renas, Fluvals or others, so I'll only make a couple comments. Small plastic mechanical/electrical devices such as the filters under discussion are indeed subject to design and manufacturing flaws that can widely effect their use and durability, but generalizing and talking about them can be quite confusing since the problems can happen on many levels, manufacturing "runs", particular model designs, "series designs" or even, rarely, broad decisions of an entire make. The other wild card is the owners, and, as anyone who has serviced things for the public knows, the variations in how people treat things is huge(!), sometimes behavioural, sometimes inadvertent. Being very gentle, patient and thorough with devices like this can sometimes make a significant difference over time.

I'll also attempt one comment on the people side of this thread. Over the last year or so I've so greatly enjoyed this forum and often get the feeling I've made good friends here among the members (I guess this would fall into the "bear hug attempt, right?) I believe I've had cases of appreciating comments and opinions from each and every one in this thread at points past. All of us have times when we're more outspoken than other times. There have been so many times when I've seen the firm, opinionated approach that MW takes be a much better help to beginners than, for instance, a more "wishy-washy" comment from me. Beginners, like all of us, eventually refine their own knowledge and opinions, but they're bound to get correct, incorrect and opinionated information from all of us initially. The very mechanics of the "web forum" idea seem to be working ok here, with multisided opinion being passed around among a bunch of us sitting at different places around the globe. Anyway, maybe with all our fellow members here, being gentle, patient and forgiving, like we've hopefully ended up here will help enrich our forum experience.

(was that too sappy? :lol: )
Temper Tantrums on a fish forum - quality :lol:

Morale of the story - people generally speak as they find. However, never take 1 person's opinion as fact.

Remember, the more people who have Fluvals, the more people you will find who have seen a broken one - simple probability!
well put waterdrop :thumbs:
Thanks 8inary, I really meant it that I think I've enjoyed comments or learned from just about everybody here at one time or another!

(now was it you who once had an avatar pic of you and your dad on the beach or something like that or was that someone else :) )

i have a fluval 205 on my larger tank, its quiet as a mouse, the media are easy to change, the filters are easy to change,..

the flow rate is a doddle to adjust

I may not of been around long but would reccomend the fluval 205, one more thing i have seen them on sale for more than the 85 euros, you could be looking at a bargain.

my dad lol !!! it was actually me lol oh now im laughing out loud for real lol

it was taken in barbados, lovely beaches!
Ah gosh...your are all making up!!! My heart is melting here! ^_^

Anyway....this is all making very interesting reading....I love hearing people tips and ideas.... Thanks for all the very informative input.

So, seeing as they all can malfunction (careful now..I said 'ALL' :shifty:) , I guess it all comes down to price then?

Plus, I'm wondering if all these spare parts are accessible and readily available... should things go wrong?

Seeing as Eheim seems to be the longest on the market that might be the choice for me.....but most people say they are more pricey?

But the 'Classic' Eheim external filter model 2213 (which accommodates up to 250L) is actually the cheapest option for me believe it or not....its only €58 & free postage to my door??? (www.zooplus.ie)

The Fluval 205 (up to 200L) comes in at €87 & the Tetra Tec Ex700(up to 250L) is €90.

How strange!

Actually all the 'zooplus' prices seem very reasonable compared to the shops...for example I priced the Fluval 105 (up to 100L) today for €190...now that's is a massive difference!

P.s there is zooplus.co.uk & zooplus.com so you can check this site out for yourself. For Ireland its definitely very good value.
Just some questions that the OP asked i did not see answered

1 External Filters....need Some Questions Answered., Is it better to go for a higher literage for better filteration?
2 Would it be too powerful?
3 How do I add my mature media to it? Not really sure how it all works.

i'm not sure but i think you lot may of answered 4 :dunno: :lol:

4 Also If anyone has any opinion on it....Which brand is the better of the two...Fluval or Tetratech?
Just some questions that the OP asked i did not see answered

1 External Filters....need Some Questions Answered., Is it better to go for a higher literage for better filteration?
2 Would it be too powerful?
3 How do I add my mature media to it? Not really sure how it all works.

i'm not sure but i think you lot may of answered 4 :dunno: :lol:

4 Also If anyone has any opinion on it....Which brand is the better of the two...Fluval or Tetratech?

LOL u may be right

1 as long as its got a turnover of at least 5x then it should be fine
2 dependant on which fishu plan on keeping but i doubt it either way
3 the externals have trays so u would just take out the media from old filter and put it in the tryas if any space left just add more media and the media added depends on wot u already have :)

Ha,ha,ha!!! Yes, you're right.....

Q4: "The brand debate" was well and truly covered! :lol:

A couple of people answered about their experiences on getting higher powered filters for smaller sized tanks so I think I'm okay with that, although I'm still wondering what will I do if its too powerful?

Also, I am still wondering how to get my mature media into the filter?....but I'm now slightly afraid to ask! :p Joke!
Ah, ye got there before me Jen! Thank you!

Oh and, I'm not quite sure what a turnover of 5x means? :blush:

I plan on keeping tetras, gouramis, danios, and otos and possibly Kribs, if I can.

I didn't realise the filter had trays, I thought it was a bucket were you drop round circles of some sort...that was one brand I was looking at...and I can't remember which one now...

Anyway, I'm getting a much better idea alright of what I'm going to go with...Thanks guys! :thumbs:
Ah, ye got there before me Jen! Thank you!

Oh and, I'm not quite sure what a turnover of 5x means? :blush:

I plan on keeping tetras, gouramis, danios, and otos and possibly Kribs, if I can.

I didn't realise the filter had trays, I thought it was a bucket were you drop round circles of some sort...that was one brand I was looking at...and I can't remember which one now...

Anyway, I'm getting a much better idea alright of what I'm going to go with...Thanks guys! :thumbs:

5 x times turnover is just basically the amount of water that runs through the filter per hour if the tank is 100 litres then a 5x turn over would be a filter that does 500lph

anythink around the 600lph would be perfect for an 84l tank :)
Lazerus, the Eheim 2213 doesn't have trays,it has the bucket you mentioned.It's the actual model i have on my tank and as i said ,it hasn't given me a problem in 3 years :good:
A couple of people answered about their experiences on getting higher powered filters for smaller sized tanks so I think I'm okay with that, although I'm still wondering what will I do if its too powerful?

same as me im thinking of geting the Tetratech ex1200 for mt 90l tank that is 75% planted i'v been told it will be fine but
10x turn over in a 62cm long tank sounds alot to me so I'm still wondering what will I do if its too powerful?
Use the outlet tap to slow down the flow ;) Not the inlet side, it leads to an increase motor wear and premature failures on any brand, the outlet tap is the one to use :good:

All the best

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