thanks for that pdf PJPJ. Well done!
Is that Fx5 on the list a typo FX5 doing 750LPH cant be right?
Is that Fx5 on the list a typo FX5 doing 750LPH cant be right?
It's on page 1.
bae1994 was going to post a flow rate after cleaning the impeller but never did. Did get 1800 with no media though.
If lots of people post with their flow-rates then the obscure ones will simply be shown as faulty units or errors.
TetraTEC EX600 external filter
Manufacturer's stated flow 600LPH
Age: 7 days old
Basket 1:
Ceramic Rings
Basket 2:
Bio Plastic Balls
Basket 3:
Carbon bag
Filter Floss
Standard hoses cut to 80cm:no spraybar
Tested for 10 seconds.
averaged from 6 readings to give 1.2 litres
So, 1.2 x 360 = 432 litre per hour
Manufacturer's stated flow 600LPH
432 LPH
Testing with no media gave a similar result, so will repost at later date
KirkyArcher said:Just copied this from a post I made in another thread Re. Fluval 206
I was about to start my water change and media clean in the 33 gal that is filtered by a Fluval 206, had a 2 litre jug to hand and timed how long it took to fill, which was a pitiful 18.04 seconds = 399 lphI then cleaned the sponges and replaced the floss in the filter it then took just 15.86 seconds which boosted flow to 453 lph, I then removed half the volume of the biofoam by cutting it half and filled the rest of the tray with floss and now get a flow rate of 502 lph all of wich still fall way short of the 780 lph (206 US GPH)* when empty (the other two baskets where full of ceramic media at the time Fluval BioMax)
*fluval data