as everyone else said, gravel actually keeps the tank
cleaner! it hides fallen food, fish-poo, and good bacteria. it holds down decor and plants, it gives fish something to look at, dig through, and turn over! gravel is good stuff!
on that note, why not do as RSZ said and get a color-coordinated tank? blue background, blue gravel. Wal-Mart sells these neat clay-rock formations in blue and white, a pair of those in the center for decoration would be nice. you could get some of that crinkly, transparent craft paper, chop it up and tape the bits over the light-hood to create a neat colored effect on the water, and even color-code your fish! get a trio of neat Blue Mirror Platties, six Neon Tetras, and a few Ghost Shrimp, or a single Three-Spot Gourami and four little Dwarf or Albino Cories.
think about this, without gravel you: 1) cut stocking levels, drastically! 2) have to do
more water changes 3) can't hide bottom-of-the-tank ickies and 4) haven't got anything for your fish to explore and dig through.
but really, if you're not willing to take on the real responsibility that is the fish-keeping hobby, you'd best go over there and start collecting stamps or bottle caps.