define 'happy' for me. is happy having fifty juevnile Oscars crammed into a ten gallon tank gathered at the top corner hoping against hope that something edible will appear? is happy having thirty dead fish floating around the top of the tank, or having countless people point gooey fingers and tap on your wall?
that's not happy, that's survival. they aren't happy, if they had a chance they'd leap out of the tank. once you compare those Oscars with an Oscar at home in a decorated tank, you know those fish aren't happy.
i speak from experience. my Oscar was one of those fifty desperately waiting for something to eat, now he plays in the plants and shivers at my Betta and watches with insane interest as the Platties poo, now he's happy. now he has the chance to eat snails off the glass and nibble on algae, now he's had the chance to shower in dusted Brine Shrimp.
you could survive in a blank room, just like a fish could survive in a blank tank. but that's it, survival, not happiness.
please reconsider you're arrangements, the fish will definately enjoy it more and in turn provide you with hours of interesting antics, beautiful colors and (if you're really lucky) a spawn of eggs or fry.