Emm got into trouble at my LFS...


Sep 19, 2005
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hi all, today i was in my LFS looking at some fish and a couple were buying guppys for thier tank and had spotted an oscar and asked "oh i like that fish what is it" the woman who works there said it was a small cichlid... they asked how big it grew and she said oh not much bigger than that (bout 2~3") and the couple was thinking about getting it. I wasnt to sure but i thought it was an Oscar so i said " aint that an oscar cichlid" and the woman said ill go look in the book and says oh yes so it is. "Oscars grow to about 10~12" dont they?" i said crapping myself :/ the couple said oh that wouldnt fit in our tank, its only a 25L tank. once they left the woman asked me to keep my mouth shut when in her shop or i wouldnt be welcome in her shop... thats me told then :crazy: I thought well if i was getting a fish and someone knew better id rather have them tell me and save me from having a big problem.
You should tell her that is her responsibility as a fish shop owner/sales assistant to give information to the best of her ability. If she doesnt know then she should be honest, and not be cross that you were able to guide the customer more suitably than she was.

If you're scottish, are you covered by the RSPCA? If you are, I can write you a decent letter you can send to them if you want (or at least help!).
Great idea!! Good job! That oscar was saved froma terrible life in a little tank. :thumbs:
Fella said:
If you're scottish, are you covered by the RSPCA? If you are, I can write you a decent letter you can send to them if you want (or at least help!).

Hi, i am indeed from scotland :) would this be like Misrepresentation or something along those lines? i felt like a twat standing there tho lol felt better once i came home and double checked my info tho
CluelessScot said:
Fella said:
If you're scottish, are you covered by the RSPCA? If you are, I can write you a decent letter you can send to them if you want (or at least help!).

Hi, i am indeed from scotland :) would this be like Misrepresentation or something along those lines? i felt like a twat standing there tho lol felt better once i came home and double checked my info tho

Well, 2 things really. She's selling something which under trading standards isn't what she says it is. But that doesn't really help with the RSPCA factor.

The trouble lies with her selling fish without providing proper guidance or info. I'm sure there is an offence in there somewhere.
I'll help you out with this tomorrow for sure if you want? Im really tired right now, but, it's irritating when people who act ethically are punished. I'll knock something basic up tomorrow for you :)
I had a similar experience :( i went to pets at home and they sold me a 1/2" fish to me and they said it was a small fish and it turned out to be a Red Devil Cichlid... it killed 2 guppys and they wouldnt take the fish back. luckly the LFS in town rehomed the little guy :) i was told that it should never had been sold at that size... i took it in and someone picked it up an hour later. he was such a cute little guy too :)
Something similar happened to me. I was out of town and went to the local wal*mart their to the fish department and this woman picked up a 1 gallon fish bowl and some gravel and looked at the tanks and got a woman to come back their and she said I want that one and those two and they were 1 bala shark and two blue or honey gourmais. So I said are you going to put those fish in that bowl? And I was shocked when she said " yes, why?" And I was like :crazy: :crazy: are you crazy? So I said you can't put those in thier. And she said "why not?" And I said well that silver fish one wanted needs at least a 100g tank and you need 3 of them and the gourmais need a tank size of at least a 10g with filter and heater and so do those silver fish. And she said "oh, ok well I don't have much money and I'll come back later." And the lady that was going to scoop the fish out gave me this very dirty look as if she was saying "how dare you make me lose a sell :angry: " So I thought after I left at least I saved some fish a painful and fast death.
I am glad to see that people are willing to stand up for what is right. Who cares if some moron is mad that you exposed their stupidity. What they're doing is wrong. Don't let jerks discourage you.

On the flip side, I once had a doofus interrupt my conveersation with a customer, attempting to claim he had kept tropical fish for years with no heater and that a heater was not necessary. I was irate, but if you know what your talking about, then they should be greatful you assisted, and if they're not, they should quit.

It just goes to show that business conditions its employees to make a sale, not assist the customer and satisfy them with quality service and product. This of course is contrary to what business should be about, despite what economists and other brainwashing types would have us beleive. (let me add that not all business are like this, but there are many)

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