Emm got into trouble at my LFS...

ahh cr** me to lol
haha that happen to me a few months back, i was looking at some killies wheni heard an elderly couple asking a man who worked there whether they could put a silver arowana in a 50 litre aquarium. the guy said yeah that should be fine and walked away to get a bag, i walked over and told them that the tank is too small but the guy heard me say this and gave me a dirty look.
hi all, today i was in my LFS looking at some fish and a couple were buying guppys for thier tank and had spotted an oscar and asked "oh i like that fish what is it" the woman who works there said it was a small cichlid... they asked how big it grew and she said oh not much bigger than that (bout 2~3") and the couple was thinking about getting it. I wasnt to sure but i thought it was an Oscar so i said " aint that an oscar cichlid" and the woman said ill go look in the book and says oh yes so it is. "Oscars grow to about 10~12" dont they?" i said crapping myself :/ the couple said oh that wouldnt fit in our tank, its only a 25L tank. once they left the woman asked me to keep my mouth shut when in her shop or i wouldnt be welcome in her shop... thats me told then :crazy: I thought well if i was getting a fish and someone knew better id rather have them tell me and save me from having a big problem.

Good job, that woman was about to cheat somebody! Keep at it ;)
I read the whole thing only to find out its 4 years old.
Good to see people standing up against poorly informed lfs employees.

I still feel a bit foolish though :lol:
Stupid fish store lady. grrr people like her make me mad. These are not just fish they are little pets. I would consider not shopping at that store due to her bad attitude and careless ways.

You did the right thing. :good:
Good for you!!!! :D I bet that fish store lady cant tell the difference between a fish and the moon! :lol:
This thread has gotten a lot of mileage, however the original topic is 4 years old. :lol:

LOL it took me a minute to realize this was an old post too!

But what I want to know is what happened in the end! It's like the story just stopped!
TBH I don't know how people manage to dig out these topics, and post on them when they have been posted years ago. They tend to get closed which is what will happen to this one.
^ Ive done it before, just looked at the related threads at the bottom of the page and posted in one assuming its recent. Happens to all of us every once in a while. No big deal.

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